We used Google's new artificial intelligence to generate angstic poetry about the future



A new website uses Google's artificial intelligence to generate short couplets so vague and insane that they might as well have been the Facebook status of your high school friend in 2008.

The project, Portraits of Poems, allows you to "give" a unique word that the algorithm then uses to generate a short poem. If you wish, you can also take a selfie (no word on its use by Google AI), which the website uses to create a "poem portrait".


Kicking the tires

According to the website, the algorithm was formed on 20 million words of poetry from the 1800s, which may explain why some of the poems we generated with futuristic sounds did not really work.


The algorithm rejected many of our prompts, including words like "Elon," "SpaceX," and "Cryptographically Secure," perhaps because nineteenth-century poets had not yet begun to think about the jargon of modern startups.

As with other AI tools for writing poems, the results do not always make sense. So, our futuristic poems are not about to dethrone Grimes – sorry, c – as the queen of technological rhymes, despite our best efforts.


READ MORE: Google's Poetry Algorithm Automates Teen Anxiety[[[[Engadget]

More about the text generated by AI: An AI made a road trip and wrote a terrible novel about it


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