Weather News: Two named systems in the Atlantic, with another potential storm right on its heels.


Nicholas has dissipated, but the lingering humidity continues to spill over into the southeast, causing pesky downpours that won’t seem to go away.

“More than 15 million people are on flood alert in the southeast, where heavier rains are expected to fall on already saturated ground,” CNN meteorologist Dave Hennen said.

My backyard in Atlanta now looks more like the Florida Everglades, and my boys have started climbing the walls. But I see a light at the end of this rainy tunnel – a few more days!

The area in the tropics that most deserves to be seen is the furthest away. A tropical wave just a few hundred kilometers southeast of the Cape Verde Islands is weak now, but could turn into a tropical depression later this week.

The storm will move into a more favorable environment over the next few days which should give the storm some life as it continues its westward journey across the Atlantic at 10-15 mph.

There is a 70% chance that it will turn into a storm in the next five days. As it nears our home, this storm will be one to watch out for as we move into the latter part of the week.

It is still too early to say if this will have an impact on the United States.

“This new investment will head west to a location favorable for strengthening and will likely become a tropical storm or even a hurricane,” CNN meteorologist Chad Myers said. “At least for now, the storm is likely to turn right in the western Atlantic and not approach the United States. If the timing of that right turn turns out to be delayed, then we will have to watch for future ones. model runs for forecast updates. ”

There are two other named systems in the Atlantic, and while you might think these two storms are named after a legendary baseball player, think again. Peter and Rose are two separate tropical storms.

The two names are unlikely to retire this year and not be part of the pantheon of tropical systems. They both appear to be “fish” storms, which means they will stay at sea.

Peter has winds of 50 mph and is moving north-northwest.

“There are a lot of thorns about how Rose blossoms into a stronger storm,” the National Hurricane Center (NHC) said in a rare light discussion of the storm.

This storm could bring some showers to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands as it approaches, otherwise the storm does not pose a risk to coastal areas.

Rose has winds of 40 mph and will continue in a generally NW movement over the next few days, staying offshore.

“At a longer distance, stronger shear and dry air should tear off the rose petals one by one, slowly weakening the cyclone,” the NHC said.

Hurricane season is far from over

With about two and a half months left into hurricane season, we’ve just passed the midpoint and peak of the season. There is still a long way to go.

“The tropical waters are still very warm and, as they say, never turn your back on the ocean. There are still more storms to come,” Myers said.

While we’ve had a series of cold fronts over the past two weeks, that doesn’t mean the season is over.

“Cold fronts and deep troughs in the jet stream tend to turn Atlantic storms north, but we’ll still have to watch the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico,” Myers said.

So far this season, Tropical Storm Rose is the 17th named storm for the 2021 hurricane season.

This is only the third time that we’ve hit at least 17 named storms at this point in the season, according to Colorado State University meteorologist Dr. Philip Klotzbach.

There are only four names left on the list for the Atlantic Basin: Sam, Teresa, Victor and Wanda.

If we use the last four names, we will go to the following list which has been developed to replace the Greek alphabet which was used in the past.

La Niña is expected to develop in the coming weeks, which could make the final weeks of the hurricane season interesting.

We usually see an increase in Atlantic storms during La Niña, so if this weather pattern sets in with enough time in the season, we might see an increase in activity.

“I expect the rest of the season to be pretty busy,” said Klotzbach. “We saw this scenario on steroids last year. Hopefully we don’t have another October-November like we had last year, but I think the grand scale should favor another end of season. active. “

Here’s why hurricane chasers fly their planes in weird patterns in storms

Wildfires in the west now threaten some of the world’s tallest trees

This Copernicus satellite image shows the KNP complex fire in California moving towards the site of General Sherman, the world's largest single-stemmed tree.

This satellite image shows the KNP Complex fire in California, burning closer and closer to the world’s largest single-stemmed tree, General Sherman.

There are currently over 100 wildfires burning in the west, including the KNP fire, which has now burned over 23,000 acres.

This fire is located on the outskirts of Sequoia National Park, threatening some of the tallest trees in the world.

While that part of California did not receive a red flag warning on Monday, much of the state is.

The northern Sierra Nevada, southern waterfalls, and associated eastern foothills are all included in the red flag warning.

“Gusts from the north to the east are expected over parts of the interior of northern California today through Tuesday morning. Combined with lower humidity and dry fuels, areas of weather Critical fires will be created, ”the National Weather Service (NWS) office in Sacramento said.

Northeasterly to east winds of 10 to 25 mph with gusts of 30 to 40 mph are expected in this region. This will only worsen the fire conditions as the winds fan the flames and help spread the fires quickly.

Western forest fires in pictures

Autumn temperatures are there

The fall equinox arrives on Wednesday and it looks like Mother Nature is playing along as well.

A strong cold front will progress across the country, bringing the risk of severe storms, followed by fall temperatures for much of the country.

There is a slight risk of severe weather Monday for places like Des Moines and Cedar Rapids in Iowa and Madison, Wisconsin. Strong winds and destructive hail will be the main threats.

However, we cannot rule out the possibility of an isolated tornado.

Behind the front, temperatures will drop. Chicago will drop to 81 on Monday, then to 70 on Tuesday.

By Wednesday, the Chicago high will struggle to reach the 60s with gusty winds. The winds can sometimes be gusty 35 to 40 mph, making the temperatures even cooler.

Even Atlanta will feel a good dip, for southern standards. Tuesday’s high will be around 80, then Thursday the sun returns and highs will be in the 70’s.

The drop in humidity will be a refreshing change. Washington DC will also experience a ten-degree drop between Tuesday and Thursday.

While the temperature changes won’t be too drastic, the feeling in the air will hint that fall is finally here.

The fall equinox occurs when the sun is directly over the equator, so day and night are of equal length.

It also marks the first day of the astronomical fall.

These neighborhoods suffocate because of a racist politics of the 20th century

Residents of low-income communities in southern and southwestern Atlanta are struggling to cope with the hottest summer in the United States since the Dust Bowl of the 1930s.

Heatwaves are America’s deadliest weather disaster.

And these health risks are not evenly distributed. During episodes of extreme heat, a few blocks can be the difference between a manageable 80-degree afternoon or a sweltering 100-degree sweat party.

The staggering temperature difference is due in large part to historic redlining, a federally sanctioned effort that began in the 1930s that amplified segregation by denying loans and insurance to potential home buyers in poor neighborhoods. poorer and colored neighborhoods.

While the racist practice was banned in the late 1960s, its effect is still apparent.

Read the full article here

The harvest moon that shines before fall

If you are lucky enough to have cloudless skies, you are in for a treat. The Harvest Moon will be on display two nights before the start of fall, and you might want to catch a glimpse of it.


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