Week 11 Veto Contest Results – Big Brother Network


Big Brother veto medallion

The latest Power of Veto spoilers for Big Brother 23 are for Final 4 and it’s the biggest, worst, and most important Veto of the season because of all the power it has on this channel. Read on for this week’s PoV spoilers!

There are only four HGs left, so they were all vying for this round and with Xavier already locked in his position in F3, this Veto competition could decide secure second place and who would vote for third. If Xavier won the veto, he would choose who would go with him and HG would choose the third. If someone else gets it, they automatically switch to F3, then vote alone this round for F3. No pressure!

Big Brother 23 Spoilers: Week 11 Veto Contest Results:

  • Xavier won the veto power!

It was the challenge of remembering days and events and when the Flux returned, Kyland stood alone in his Fortress of Solitude (the HN room) thinking to himself that he hoped he had proved to Xavier that he was not expendable. Well I think Kyland is in a tough spot here.

The names should stay the same and that would make DF the only voter this week. Or X could change it and let Azah vote against Kyland. Not a lot of options here as the numbers have gone down. Let’s keep looking at the HGs and see where Xavier’s head is when he speaks next.

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