Weight loss: 5 foods that boost your metabolism and burn belly fat quickly without diet or exercise


5 foods to put on your plate to boost your metabolism and burn belly fat in just 5 days

5 foods to put on your plate to boost your metabolism and burn belly fat in just 5 days | & nbspPhoto Credit: & nbspThinkstock

New Delhi: If you are trying to lose weight and reduce your waistline, you probably already know the connection between metabolism and weight. In fact, your metabolism seems to contain the secret of successful weight loss. It is claimed that having a high metabolism helps your body burn more calories and facilitates weight loss. Having a fast metabolism can also increase your energy level and make you feel better. However, a slower person may be acting against you, perhaps it is not unusual to hear dieters attribute their slow metabolism to the bulge of their belly.

Essentially, metabolism refers to all the chemical processes that occur in your body in order to sustain life. The good thing is that there are certain foods and drinks that can help boost your metabolism and burn more calories. To help you get started quickly or achieve your weight loss goals quickly (in less than a week) without having to exercise or following a low-calorie diet, nutritionist Janvi Chitalia suggests some of the best foods that you can include in your daily diet. lose or maintain weight. Read – Weight loss: 7-step night routine for quick and easy weight loss – Lose weight while you sleep!

Foods to put on your plate to help boost your metabolism for optimal weight loss

Switch to complex carbohydrates: Replace starchy cereals such as white pasta, rice and noodles with complex carbohydrates such as buckwheat, jowar, bajra, foxtail millet (ragi or nachni), amaranth, quinoa , brown rice, red rice, etc. reduce the chances of storing fat because of the insulin and glucose spike that are correlated to high-sugar foods. It's important to add various grains to your weekly menu to get the most out of each grain. For example, nachni is a good source of calcium, while bajra is a good source of iron.

More protein: It has been proven that eating more protein increases meat consumption and accelerates caloric expenditure, which was linked to fat loss. By eating enough protein, you'll feel full, which will reduce your carbohydrate intake. Proteins also promote satiety, maintain metabolic rate and prevent muscle loss. Read – Weight Loss: 5 foods that detoxify your body and burn belly fat in just one day, without diet or exercise

Sources of protein include – eggs, chicken, fish, yogurt, dairy products, paneer, etc. The sources of vegan protein are almond milk, coconut milk, mushrooms, oats, pea protein, soy, tofu, edamame, beans and so on.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are thermogenic and increase metabolism, helping to burn fat. They contain several health benefits, such as improved blood circulation, less intense inflammation.

The sources of omega 3 fish are: sardines (padwa), mackerel (surmai), salmon (rawas), etc.

Fiber: Eating 3 to 4 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables low in sugar is one of the best ways to keep your belly full and healthier. Maybe a high fiber diet could be the best way to lose weight. This also adds to the energy levels and facilitates fat loss.

High-fiber fruits include apples, pears, guavas, papayas, oranges, mosambi, strawberries, pomegranates, kiwis, berries, etc. Vegetables: green leafy vegetables, salad leaves and many other vegetables.

Water: The key to fat loss that most people forget is good hydration. Due to dehydration or ignorance of the need to drink water, many dieters take it as a signal to eat food. It is important to remember that a dehydrated body can not lose weight or gain muscle.

Recommendations for daily fluid intake vary according to needs and circumstances, including activity and climate. However, the average water consumption among adults aged 19 to 30 years is 3.7 liters per day for men and 2.7 liters for women.

Tip: To increase your water consumption, infuse mint, lemon, grated ginger, fruits such as apple, strawberry, pear and cucumber into the water. Increasing liquid consumption in the form of skimmed buttermilk, coconut water, lime water, green tea is another good option

Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietitian before beginning any fitness program or changing your diet.


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