Weird Canon R5 VR Lens Could Be Shiny


Canon’s announcement of its new RF lens has aroused the curiosity of many ears. Is this new goal going to be brilliant or is it too specialized to be successful?

If there’s one thing I love about photography, it’s weird and unusual lenses and cameras. Sometimes I’ll just buy one to own it, even though I don’t really intend to use it. This of course has a pretty low budget cap and Canon’s announcement far exceeds it, and yet I’m so curious to try it.

The Canon RF 5.2mm f / 2.8L Dual Fisheye 3D VR Lens is the latest RF mount lens and it turns heads. As you can see, the lens is for 180 degree 3D stereoscopic VR imaging. Virtual reality has been rumored to be the next big thing in photography and videography for over a decade at this point, and while it hasn’t managed to secure such an illustrious title, it hasn’t. certainly didn’t fail and collapsed either. I tried a VR headset when they were just emerging and was optimistic about its future, but totally unmoved about its present. Then last year I tried a newer VR headset and realized that we were much closer than I thought as a common way to consume all types of visual media.

This is undoubtedly still a niche area, but it’s worth noting that Canon is dealing with it. Researching and developing a lens like this can’t be cheap, and given that this is a $ 1,999 L lens, Canon presumably believes there is a future for technology and they would like to have basic equipment for it.


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