Welcome to the era of technology giants worth $ 10 billion


Get ready, the march of "decacorns" arrives on Wall Street.

What's a decacorn? Only a few years ago, if you were a private company with a valuation of $ 1 billion to the north, you would be called a "unicorn". This new generation of tech darlings has a valuation of over $ 10 billion.

Last week, Lyft, the smallest but still huge competitor of Uber, launched the stock market. Its public price was set at $ 72 per share and raised approximately $ 2.2 billion, a market capitalization of $ 24 billion.

Uber will arrive on the market next month and should, for the moment, be valued at $ 120 billion.

Airbnb, the peer-to-peer hosting platform, is also expected to go public this year with a valuation of more than $ 30 billion.

This giant disruptor – funded in 2009 with only $ 20,000 from Y Combinator – has just broken the door to the hospitality industry.

A valuation of 30 billion dollars on 20 000 dollars in 10 years!

Casper plush celebrity mattresses are also planning to become public this year. Although it may not be a decamp – it's too early to say – it's a very successful unicorn, and if you join, you could be a sponsor partner Ashton Kutcher, 50 Cent and Carmelo Anthony.

WeWork, who recently bought the iconic Lord & Taylor building in Manhattan, is also a decacorn. WeWork was founded in 2010 – just nine years ago – and can be worth between $ 45 billion and $ 50 billion.

And then there's Pinterest, Slack, Postmates and Palantir coming down the pike.

This is not the ground floor, and investors are buying some of the smartest people on the planet – those who have invested $ 25,000 in one of these startups and cashed them in as part of an IPO for $ 250 million.

And that does not pose me any problem. They took the risks they created and they delivered – thus providing hundreds of thousands of jobs in the new economy.



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