West Point cadet killed in identified accident


Morgan "died as a result of injuries caused by a military vehicle crash in a training area," the academy announced Friday.

Cadet Christopher J Morgan of West Orange, New Jersey, died of injuries from a military vehicle accident in a training zone, the West Point US Military Academy announced Friday. on social networks validated.

"Cadet Morgan was a valued member of the Cadet Corps and we will miss him all," said Lieutenant General Darryl A. Williams, Superintendent of the West Point US Military Academy, in a statement. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the Morgan family."

Morgan was a law and legal studies student and a recruited athlete who was a "remarkable member of the army's fight team," the statement said.

A dead, 21 injured in an accident near the West Point training site

"We are upset by the announcement of Chris's passing." He was a talented, hardworking and determined athlete who adored his sport, "said West's wrestling team coach Point, Kevin Ward. "Chris had a contagious personality with a smile big enough to fill any room and a big enough heart to love everyone around him, he made the world better and we will miss him a lot."

Nineteen other cadets and two soldiers were injured during Thursday's overthrow, the academy announced.

Lt. Col. Christopher Ophardt, spokesman for West Point, said on Thursday that the cadets were in a light tactical vehicle and were heading for a land navigation class where they were going to do a map reading exercise.

The cadets belonged to the 2020 class, the spokesman said.

President Donald Trump, who was in Europe for the 75th anniversary of D-Day, tweeted his condolences on Thursday.

"I am really sorry to hear of the terrible accident involving our GREAT West Point cadets, we mourn the loss of lives and pray for the wounded, may God bless them ALL!" Trump tweeted.

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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a graduate of West Point, also sent his condolences via Twitter.

"Broken heart for the cadet killed in the service of our nation at West Point, my alma mater," tweeted Pompeo. "May the family of cadets find peace knowing that our country will always honor this commitment, pray for them, the wounded cadets and all their families, may the Lord be with you all."


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