West Virginia officials give 42 people treatment with antibodies instead of COVID-19 vaccine


Officials in West Virginia accidentally gave 42 people treatment with COVID-19 antibodies instead of Moderna’s vaccine.

West Virginia National Guard said in a press release that he “learned of a mistake” on Wednesday that led to individuals receiving treatment with COVID-19 antibodies from Regeneron instead of the vaccine.

The National Guard said the people have been contacted and the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services will follow up with those people as an added precaution.

The incident took place at a vaccination clinic hosted by the Boone County Department of Health.

In one separate declaration Posted to Facebook on Thursday, the department said “it was determined to be an isolated incident,” adding that people would be offered the vaccine.

Both the Department of Health and the National Guard said they did not believe there was a risk of harm to people.

It is not known how the confusion arose. Julie Miller, administrator of the health department, did not give further details about the incident when contacted for comment.

The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services also did not provide additional details.

Food and Drug Administration Granted Emergency Use Authorization for Antibody Treatment End of november for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in adults and children 12 years of age or older at high risk of progressing to serious illness.

The treatment – which is given by IV administration – was one of many President TrumpDonald Trump Trump cuts his trip to Florida short and returns to Washington on Thursday Intel vice president says the cyberattack on a government agency “ may have started earlier. ” received while at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for COVID-19 in October.

The incident is not the only one to come as states rush to vaccinate their populations.

Earlier this week, an employee at a Wisconsin medical center “intentionally” removed 57 vials of Moderna vaccine from a freezer, causing them to be discarded.


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