WH official and Pelosi assistant tested positive for COVID after attending reception


A White House official and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Both tested positive for COVID-19 after attending the same reception last week, confirmed reports. managers at Axios.

Why is this important: Although both individuals are vaccinated and mildly symptomatic, they illustrate how Americans vaccinated against the coronavirus can still contract and, potentially, transmit the virus without their knowledge, even at the highest levels of government in the country.

  • “We know there will be groundbreaking cases, but as this example shows, cases in vaccinated individuals are generally mild,” a White House official told Axios.

Driving the news: The Pelosi staff member helped inaugurate a delegation of Texas Democratic lawmakers around the Capitol last week. Six of those lawmakers, who traveled to Washington to prevent the Texas legislature from changing the state’s election laws, have since tested positive.

  • This staff member and the White House official were both at the same reception on the roof of the Eaton Hotel last Wednesday evening.
  • The White House official has had no recent direct contact with President Biden. Pelosi’s assistant has had no contact with the speaker since that person’s exposure.

What they say : “Yesterday, a fully vaccinated White House official tested positive for COVID-19 off campus,” a White House official told Axios in a statement.

  • “In accordance with our rigorous COVID-19 protocols, the official remains off campus pending a confirmatory PCR test. The White House medical unit has conducted contact tracing interviews and has not determined any close contact between directors and White House staff. The individual has mild symptoms. “
  • The official added, “The White House is prepared for groundbreaking cases with regular testing. This is another reminder of the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against serious illness or hospitalization. We wish our colleague a prompt recovery.”

Drew hammillPelosi’s deputy chief of staff told Axios in a statement: “Yesterday a fully vaccinated senior spokesperson from the President’s press office tested positive for COVID after contact with members of the legislature of the State of Texas last week. “

  • “The entire press office works remotely today, with the exception of people who have not been exposed to the person or have recently tested negative. Our office will continue to closely follow the guidelines of the attending physician’s office. “

The big picture: COVID-19 cases are on the rise across the country, with health officials becoming increasingly concerned about the Delta variant. It is significantly more contagious than the original strain and poses an acute threat to the unvaccinated.

  • Concerns over the Delta variant of COVID-19 are leading some places to consider reinstating mask recommendations. A legislative aide also cited the variant when telling Axios’ Alayna Treene on Monday that public tours of the Capitol would not resume in the near future.
  • Most Americans who are still unvaccinated say nothing – not their own doctor, celebrity endorsement, or even paid time off – is likely to get them vaccinated, according to latest installment of the Axios Index / Coronavirus Ipsos.
  • On Monday, Representative Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.) Announced that he had tested positive for the coronavirus after being fully vaccinated, becoming the first known positive case in Congress this summer.


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