What are we all playing this weekend?


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A giant is looming over a cottage with its mouth open in an illustration from

The start of the year is still calm, with the developers simply returning to work after the holidays, but things are starting to happen again. Its good. I’m saying like, you know, I don’t already have more games I want to play than time to play them.

What are you playing this weekend? Here’s what we click!

Alice bee

I haven’t quite decided, but this weekend will be either Ian’s surprising new adventures in Hitman 3 or more of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. So the theme is going to be murder.


I opened a new farm in Stardew Valley, but on mobile. It only makes me play a day or two at a time, rather than power play for entire seasons. Pretty good pace. Also removed the urge to min-max. Much of my farm (the lake farm, of course) is pretty pastures and woods.


This weekend I’ll mostly kill the same people over and over again in Hitman 3.


Once again, I’m spending more time with Ian Hitman who still has a lot of murders to commit. Spelunky 2 is calling too, but I’m really scared of the game. I just want to beat the first level, that’s all I ask.


Hitman 3 is out, but I don’t think I want to spend any money on it just yet. It’s been a good week for the smaller and cheaper versions of games, between resource manager Dyson Sphere Program, Zelda-like Ocean’s Heart, and roguelite Skul: The Hero Slayer leaving Early Access. I’ll pick one up on a whim and give it a try.


I recently played some of the older PS2 Ratchet & Clank games after seeing them demolished in speedruns at AGDQ. I won’t try to play them that fast, but I want to see if I can earn all the skill points. Also I’ll probably be playing Minecraft, my friends and I built a house on an iceberg the other day next to cute polar bears (!).


I played with Hitman 3 this week and would really like to finish it on the weekend. Part of me wants to take on the toughest challenges, the rest wants to dress up as a cowboy and beat my enemies to death with a mop. We’ll see where the mood takes me.


It’s Hitman 3 weekend, baby. I finally have my mittens on this one, and it’s so good. I ran someone over in a grape crusher yesterday. I’m guiding Hitman 3 for the site, but it’s one of those games that I also can’t stop playing in my spare time. What an absolute banger from my favorite bald boy.


I finished Assassin’s Creed Valhalla earlier this week, and yet my answer is still Assassin’s Creed Valhalla? I might have completed the main storyline, but there is still one county on my list of things to do before properly conquering all of England, as well as two more targets on my Order assassination list at eliminate. It’s not over until it’s over, as they say.


In a moment of feverish inspiration while recording the podcast this week, I purchased and downloaded the entire Dishonored series, live on the air. So I guess I should probably follow this crazy moment and play them, huh?


I’m very interested in trying out the early access to the Dyson Sphere program, having heard it from Factorio and Satisfactory. I don’t know if these comparisons have any merit, but I’m sure I’ll find out.

But you, dear reader, what are you playing at?

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