What chefs and readers think of restaurant vaccination evidence


Culinary news

“It will cripple the industry again.”

Customer shows immunization card to host at City Winery, a New York City restaurant, May 26, 2021

A customer shows her vaccination card to a host at City Winery, a restaurant in New York City, May 26, 2021. Victor J. Blue / The New York Times

  • Middle East

    A list of restaurants and bars in the Boston area that require proof of vaccination

  • Readers: Le Mass. should it require proof of vaccination in restaurants?

Following New York City’s recent announcement that it would start requiring proof of vaccination at restaurants for indoor diners, other major cities across the country are considering the same issue. While Acting Mayor Kim Janey has said Boston will not require proof of vaccination, a state warrant may still be on the horizon depending on the rate of new COVID-19 cases.

To get a feel for the impact of mandatory proof of vaccination on the dining experience, we asked restaurateurs and Boston.com readers what they think about the problem. Here is what they had to say.

Restaurant owners are divided on the subject.

A growing number of Boston-area chefs and restaurateurs have made the decision to institute their own proof of vaccination warrant, with places like City Winery, Grendel’s Den, PAGU, Rebel Rebel and The Quiet Few asking for cards of digital or physical vaccination on entry.

But not everyone in the industry agrees with the idea.

“Absolutely and unequivocally no,” said Andrew Li, owner of Flora’s Wine Bar. “It’s going to cripple the industry again. The comfort level of the average diner will drop and people just won’t dine so much in restaurants. “

Li, who opened Flora’s Wine Bar in Newton in February 2020, said he believed a warrant would result in more restaurants being closed permanently.

Cheryl Straughter, chef and owner of Roxbury’s Soleil, agreed, suggesting Massachusetts should require masks indoors instead.

“There is too much inconsistency around the masks,” she said. “They should be mandatory on the inside so that all businesses can operate under the same policy.”

Some restaurateurs are concerned about the impact that requiring proof of vaccination could have on their staff.

Requiring proof of vaccination “would require an additional staff member at the door at all times,” explained Arpit Patel, owner of Baramor in Newton. “We can’t check vaccination cards without a dedicated person at the door. This increases costs and labor requirements. We already cannot find enough manpower to meet the demand. … If rules like this are implemented, how are we supposed to find someone dedicated to enforcing them at all times in an already tough job market? “

David Doyle, owner of Tres Gatos, Little Dipper and Casa Verde at Jamaica Plain, said he was concerned the introduction of this tenure would add additional stress to his staff and “negatively impact morale. Staff “. But he also believes that taking a one-size-fits-all approach would result in a better success rate, rather than leaving it to individual companies.

“Controlling the tenure would certainly be an added strain on businesses, many of which are already overburdened with staffing and other challenges, but if the end result is a higher vaccination percentage, it would be a win for everyone. the community, ”he said. noted.

Other restaurateurs interviewed are on board with a universal mandate. Ana Sortun, chef and owner of Oleana in Cambridge, said she loved the idea and it would “make people comfortable with dining inside”. Mahaniyom’s bar owner and manager Chompon Boonnak is a fan, noting his Brookline restaurant could lose customers, but safety comes first. However, he has concerns.

“What about children who [are] not vaccinated? He asked. “And I feel [like] people can pretend [their] vaccine proof.

And Aaron Cohen, owner of Gracie’s Ice Cream and Earnest Drinks, believes Massachusetts should follow New York City’s lead, as long as the state makes it easy for people to prove their status.

“Passports for vaccines seem to make a lot of sense,” he said.

60% of readers surveyed say that Mass. should require proof of vaccination in restaurants

Over 2,000 Boston.com readers responded to our survey, with about 60 percent saying proof of vaccination should be required for indoor meals. In addition, about 62 percent of all survey respondents said they would continue to frequent restaurants if a mandate was passed.

“For the moment, I do not go out to eat at the restaurant because I am wary of the Delta variant. In fact, I would feel comfortable going to a restaurant if I knew everyone would be vaccinated! – Nina, Holyoke

“Proof of vaccination will protect food service workers as well as other diners. Unvaccinated diners might still have options for take-out, delivery, and alfresco dining. Preventing transmission will prevent outbreaks and trade restrictions, which will benefit everyone in the long run. “

“We need to limit what the unvaccinated can do, protect those who cannot get vaccinated and the vaccinated. This can help those who are reluctant to get vaccinated to get vaccinated. ” – Tina, Somerville

“The restaurant staff endured an exhausting 18 months. Requiring proof of vaccination may alleviate some of their fears about going to work every day. And restaurants may refuse service for any reason, such as not being properly dressed. Of course, they should be able to refuse service for something that poses a demonstrable risk to the health of other customers and staff. … If you do not get the vaccine, you should not expect to enjoy the same benefits in society because you are not holding back your end of the social contract. – Rob, Boston

“The honor system of immunization is not working. The rate of infection can only be controlled if people are vaccinated and those who are not are required to wear masks. Forcing masks in restaurants is a small price to pay in the fight against COVID. “

“I think any public space requiring proof of vaccination should have existed months ago in order to avoid further outbreaks and mutations of the virus. I kept my vaccination card in my wallet the entire time and would be more than happy to present it to ensure my safety and the safety of others. To me, this is nothing different from other vaccines we get as children to prevent mass disease in schools and public spaces. “

“Yes please. I would love to hang out with companies that put health and safety first. – Lea, Arlington

34% say they will stop going out to eat if the state requires proof of vaccination

More than a third of survey respondents were against a Massachusetts warrant requiring proof of vaccination in restaurants. And when we asked readers if they would still go out to eat if a warrant was in place, 34 percent of all respondents said they wouldn’t.

“People may not be vaccinated because they have natural immunity or have medical conditions that preclude it. They should not be forced to leave the company for this. Mandates are discriminatory and only seek to divide people more than we already are. ” – Ali, Watertown

“Let each establishment, each guest and each worker choose their own preference. “

“As a restaurant worker who has worked through the ups and downs of COVID regulations, I absolutely will not ask people to see proof of vaccination. It was a battle to enforce masks and social distancing. How are we going to apply this? What is stopping someone from making a fake? Or boycott restaurants? – Christine, Wilmington

“I will not go to an establishment that requires me (alone) to present evidence. I support their right to set the rules of their establishment, but I do not agree with the position. But that’s what makes this country so great. The freedom to choose.

“This mandate would put restaurant owners and employees in a horrible situation. They are not law enforcement or code enforcement officers.

“I’m vaccinated but the idea that people would have to ‘show their papers’ to eat out for dinner disgusts me. I will not dine at any restaurant that has imposed this draconian overbreadth. – Andy Haydu, Dover

“It’s a virus, it’s here to stay. My patronage is not, however, if you do not respect my right to privacy. It is not the business of any restaurant owner or merchant to require my medical file. We will be happy to visit establishments that recognize the limits of privacy… otherwise we will leave the state. And if he continues to violate, we will leave the state for good and take our tax dollars with us. – Kat, Woburn

Some readers still weigh on both sides.

A handful of readers polled voted “other” on both questions, citing exceptions that might change their mind.

“Only if they develop a better card,” wrote one reader. “There are too many people who think this is all a hoax. They will do whatever they want.

Some readers said that even though they were vaccinated, they still didn’t go to restaurants and instead relied on take-out. Another said they were in favor of the warrant, but only if they could bring their unvaccinated one-year-old.

“It depends on the current infection rate,” wrote one reader, while another said he would be in favor of a warrant “once the current outbreak begins to subside.”

Boston.com occasionally interacts with readers by conducting informal polls and surveys. These results should be read as an unscientific measure of readers’ opinion.


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