What does Kate Middleton think of Meghan Markle's celebrity status?


When Prince William and Kate Middleton got married in 2011, Kate became the star of the royal family. Many fans thought she was the next princess Diana, and people around the world just could not do without William's new wife.

She began her royal duties as if she had prepared for the role of the Duchess of Cambridge all her life and that she fit perfectly with the royal family. So perfectly, in fact, that everyone thought that Kate would forever be in the spotlight!

Although its light is still brilliant, one of the newest royals, Meghan Markle, is in the center of attention. Although royalty is certainly not a popularity contest, Meghan brings to her family a huge fan base, maybe even more than Kate. This is largely due to his Hollywood background. Does the celebrity status of Meghan give Kate the impression that her sister-in-law is more popular?

Do royal fans like Kate Middleton?

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton | Tim P. Whitby / Tim P. Whitby / Getty Images

In the year since Meghan and Harry's wedding, people have not stopped focusing on Kate. She is the same beloved duchess that she has always been and we admire her for all that she does. Everyone knows that Kate is a wonderful and practical mother for her three children and that she spreads love and compassion wherever she goes. Even if Meghan was welcomed with open arms in the royal family, it certainly does not mean that Kate is less loved.

What is the advantage of Meghan Markle on Kate Middleton?

We must take into account the fact that Meghan is a successful former actress who was famous in herself well before her encounter with Harry. Coming from the world of celebrities, Meghan has already had a significant number of fans for years before becoming the Duchess of Sussex. Meghan has famous friends and she's used to being in the limelight. It may be that Meghan has had more opportunities than Kate to be in front of the camera, given her past.

Is Kate Middleton jealous of Meghan Markle?

Although Kate made no statement about her feelings about Meghan's celebrity status, we can only imagine that she does not mind at all. This certainly does not mean that Meghan is more popular than Kate, and the two duchesses are surely well aware of this fact. The sisters-in-law are in no way competing for each other to be more appreciated, and they both have unique qualities that make fans love them as much as possible.

Is Kate Middleton a jealous person?

We must say that we can not imagine Kate Middleton being jealous of anyone! She knows that this is not the royal life, and she does the best of her royal duties. Kate has tremendous respect for Harry and Meghan, and would never put one of them in a position where they would feel that she wants more attention than the Duchess of Sussex did. receives from it. On the contrary, Kate and Meghan have become great friends over the last year, a link that will surely strengthen with the birth of Baby Sussex.

Harry met his ideal partner when Meghan came into his life, and Kate knows it as well as anyone else. Kate is really happy for Meghan and Harry and delighted to have a sister-in-law with whom she can be so close and share royal experiences. Since Meghan joined the family, Kate and her have had a lot of time together, getting to know each other and becoming close friends who support each other in everything they do.


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