What does "Medicare for All" mean, both politically and practically?


Medicare, which has existed since 1965, is a government-run health insurance program that covers all Americans aged 65 and over and is funded by taxpayers. Part of our social security paychecks is earmarked for Medicare to cover most services such as hospital stays and doctor visits.

Medicare beneficiaries may also choose to purchase supplemental insurance from Medicare-accredited private insurers to cover other services such as dental drugs, prescription drugs and prescription drugs.

Advocates of Medicare for All want to expand this program to cover more than Americans aged 65 and over. Some, like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, insist that Medicare covers all citizens and legal permanent residents, while others, like Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, strive to reduce Minimum age required and allow people aged 55 to 65 to buy in the program.

Many of those who advocate for Medicare for All believe that health care is a human right and many believe that bringing more people into the Medicare system can help limit the rising costs of the US health care system.

It is interesting to note that Medicare is very popular right now. In a December Gallup poll, among Americans insured through Medicare or Medicaid (the government's health protection program that covers people with limited income), 79% are satisfied with the quality of their health care and feel that they are good to excellent. health coverage.

Where did this idea come from and why does it gain ground?

The concept of a government-funded health care system is not new. In the United States, efforts to establish a kind of universal health coverage date back to 1904, when the Socialist Party approved this idea.

In 1912, Republican President Theodore Roosevelt ran for a third term as a Progressive Party candidate. its platform included a "single national health service". Even if it's lost, the single-payer system concept would continue to make its way into political discussions. Doctors who feared that it interferes with their profits are among the most resistant to a nationalized health system.
Teddy's cousin, President Franklin Roosevelt, would try to push through a universal national health insurance program under the 1935 Social Security Act, as part of the New Deal. President Harry Truman continued to defend him during his tenure. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the fear of socialism and the panic of Southern Democrats that a nationalized health system would require desegregation would ultimately hinder health efforts.
He returned to the importance when Sanders included him in his 2016 presidential platform. He did not win, but the idea started with a number of Democrats. In fact, he also enjoys the support of Republicans. According to a recent poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 40% of Republicans support the idea of ​​health insurance provided by the federal government.
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In September 2017, Sanders and 16 Democratic co-sponsors introduced a Medicare for All extension bill, designed to cover all Americans. The co-sponsors included California Senator Kamala Harris and New Jersey Senator Cory Booker who run in the 2020 presidential elections. Announcing her run, Harris said, "I'm announcing once for all that health care is a fundamental right and we will guarantee it with Medicare for All! "

Their bill was not the only bill to expand health insurance. At the last session of the Congress, at least eight other proposals were presented to the House and Senate to expand the program. Some would have expanded the program by reducing eligibility for Medicare at age 55; Other bills have added a Medicare option while maintaining private insurance choices.

Last summer, Democratic Representative Pramila Jayapal of Washington helped create the Medicare for All caucus, which now has 78 Democratic representatives.

And throughout the last few sessions, "Medicare for All" was a rallying cry for Democrats. Representatives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Republican of New York and now Republican, and the Republican Harley Rouda of California, who defeated Dana Rohrabacher, holder of 15 Republican mandates.

And it was not a limited coastal platform. Texan Democrat Sylvia Garcia won her first term by promising "I will fight for Medicare for all".

What would the program do?

Our health system could be described as a hybrid system. About half of the money comes from the private sector: people who have private insurance with their employer or who are self-insured. The other half comes from the public sector: federal, provincial and local governments contribute to Medicare and Medicaid.

If the country adopts Sanders' proposal, people who currently buy insurance from their employers would switch to the government system. Sanders' plan would cover basic health services, as Medicare currently does, and would include copayless dental and visual coverage. The only potential costs associated with certain prescription drugs and optional procedures would be additional costs.

If states wanted to fund additional benefits for their residents, they could do so under the Sanders proposal, but they should do so without federal support.

In addition to allowing more people to access health care, Medicare for All proponents claim that the adoption of this system would help improve efficiency and help reduce the costs of health care. Health care. The US health care system now costs almost double what other high-income countries pay per capita.

According to Sanders' plan, would I be able to keep my doctor?

As long as your doctor is licensed by the state and that he is a certified Medicare provider, your visit will be covered. But if your doctor chooses not to participate in Medicare, you will have to pay out of pocket or consult a participating physician.

What would the program not cover?

As part of the full Sanders program, the only things you would likely have to pay would be some elective and aesthetic procedures. But the devil is in the details, and many of these details have yet to be clarified.

For example, Medicare has entered into contracts with certain private insurers and has approved their agreement to provide additional coverage. Would a Medicare for All system be a tiered system with complementary insurance, similar to what we have now, or would the private insurance sector completely disappear? It depends on the proposal that needed to be approved.

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Nor do you forget that Medicare pays doctors and hospitals less than private insurers, and that all hospital systems and doctors do not accept it. The American Hospital Association found that private health plans paid hospitals about 45% more than treatment costs, while Medicare and Medicaid paid about 12% less than costs, a difference of 57 points. percentage. If we switched to a Medicare for All system, all hospitals and doctors accept this pay cut? Would they organize to demand more? These are the kinds of questions that architects in an extended system must solve.
If Medicare for all of Sanders became law, it would not happen overnight. It would be four years.

In the first year, Medicare will increase with age of eligibility increasing to 55 and all children 18 and under added to the rolls. Over the next two years, this age would drop to 45, then 35. By the fourth year, it would truly become "health insurance for all".

How would that be paid?

That's where things go wrong and one of the reasons it's such a controversial issue.

The chart below illustrates the forecasts for the federal Medicare and Medicaid centers for health care expenditures from 2017 to 2026.

There are several numbers to consider when thinking about the costs of health care.

1. National health expenditure: That's the yellow line in the graph. This represents how much we spend as a country in areas such as drugs, doctor visits and hospital care; including all sources of funding, public and private. In 2017, the cost of health care was $ 3.5 trillion. Over the 2017-2026 period), the cost is expected to be $ 45 trillion.

2 Federal health expenditures: This purple line represents the federal government's share of national health care spending, which includes Medicare and Medicaid. This comes largely from taxes. In 2017, federal spending on health care was $ 974 billion. Between 2017 and 2026, federal spending on health care is expected to reach $ 13 trillion.

3 Total government expenditures: That's the green line, federal spending on health care, plus what states and local municipalities pay. This represents about half of total national health expenditure. the other half comes from the private sector. In 2017, total government spending was $ 1.56 trillion. Between 2017 and 2026, total government spending is expected to reach $ 21 trillion.

Analysis of the health insurance plan for all of Sanders:

Sanders 'analysis was based on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 2016 health expenditure forecast. CNN used Sanders' assumptions and applied the same savings ratios to the most recent projections in this analysis of Sanders data.

1. National health expenditure: According to Sanders' assumptions, under Medicare for All, national spending on health care for 2017 would have been around $ 3.2 trillion. Between 2017 and 2026, total national spending on health care by Sanders would have been close to $ 39 trillion.

Keep in mind that Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services predicted that national health care expenditures would rise to about $ 45 trillion between 2017 and 2026. If Sanders' assumptions are correct, Medicare for All would reduce national spending on health care by about $ 6 trillion a decade.

Sanders estimates that these savings would result largely from the reduction in administrative costs, payments to physicians and lower prescription drug prices resulting from a single payer system.

2 Government expenditures: Sanders does not distinguish between federal and state spending in his analysis. All of its expenses are considered federal or public since, in the health insurance plan for all, the federal government is largely the sole payer.

Sanders' analysis assumes that if Medicare for All had been implemented in 2017, federal spending would have been about $ 2 trillion and total public or federal spending would have been about $ 27 trillion for the 2017-2026 decade. But again, Sanders estimates that total national spending on Medicare for All would have reached $ 3.2 trillion in 2017 and about $ 39 trillion over the decade. decade.

To pay for his plan, Sanders called for a new 2.2% income tax on all Americans and a 6.2% levy on employers. It would also increase taxes on the rich. But, he argues, people would save money because they would no longer have to pay copays, monthly premiums, or deductibles. A family of four earning $ 50,000 would save more than $ 5,800 a year, he said. Sanders says that even though everyone will pay more taxes, he will make up for that by paying fewer premiums in health care overhead.

Some experts believe that Sanders' chart is too rosy, overestimating the amount of savings realized through the single payer system.

Critics are also concerned that he has underestimated the additional cost of a greater number of health service users. There are now about 28.5 million uninsured Americans, and it should not be surprising that providing insurance to as many people will be expensive.
A recent poll by the Pew Research Center found that six out of ten Americans believe the federal government has a responsibility to ensure that all Americans receive health coverage.
The Left Urban Institute estimated that over the same 10-year period, as part of the Sanders Plan, national health care spending would increase by more than $ 6 trillion from what we expect to spend by 2026. He also spending would be closer to $ 51 trillion, instead of Sanders' $ 41 trillion forecast. This represents a new federal spending of $ 32 trillion, according to the estimate of the Urban Institute.
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Other experts, including Kenneth Thorpe, president of health policy and management at Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University, are also contesting Sanders' estimates. No matter the cost reduction, everyone will be affected, said Thorpe, and the tax increases proposed by Sanders could not cover the $ 32 trillion increase.

Thorpe believes that sales taxes should increase, in addition to other tax increases advocated by Sanders, to reach the $ 32 trillion needed. And that would affect everyone. The sales tax is a regressive tax, which means that it will affect the poor more than the rich.

Thorpe knows this, not only because he is an economist and that he has analyzed Sanders' plan for 2016, but also because he was chosen by the Vermont legislature in 2005 to analyze the Potential schemes of a single payer system in the state of Green Mountain.

"There will be winners and losers," he said. And who could pay more might surprise you.

According to Thorpe, a person already affiliated with Medicare or Medicaid and paying very little, if any, premiums would likely start paying more taxes and potentially no relief or compensation on premiums. The reason is that what they pay in taxes is potentially higher than their current premiums.

Small business owners could be in a similar boat. If they have less than 50 employees, they currently do not pay any bonuses for their employees. But they would pay more taxes on wages and would see no relief, nor any compensation on premiums.

Are there other places that do this?

Canada and Taiwan are often cited as examples in other countries with a single payer health system under which all residents are insured. These governments pay for health care by imposing taxes on their citizens. In Canada, the federal government provides only health care, and dental, vision care and prescription drugs may be covered by the province or by private insurers.

The UK National Health Service is also often used as an example of a single payer system. But in the English system, not only does the government pay for the services, but it contracts and directly employs doctors and hospitals. This is considered a socialized or nationalized health.

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In Canada and Taiwan, and under Medicare in the United States, the government does not own or contract suppliers. The British system appears more like the administration of American veterans.

France, which combines both public and private insurance, is another country often cited as an example in the health care debate. Although most of France is covered by one of the three non-profit health insurance funds funded by the government and covers between 70% and 80% of the costs, there are also private insurers .

All of these countries provide almost universal health care, through which insurance is provided or mandated by the federal government.

Why are health care so expensive in the first place?

In the United States, there are about 16 staff members for a physician, but only six of them have clinical roles, such as nurse aides or medical assistants.

That's more than $ 800,000 in physician costs. Unlike countries with a nationalized or single payer system, the United States has hundreds of health insurance providers, with different codes and different rates, all for the same procedures. Administratively, it is inefficient if the same knee replacement can be treated and billed in a number of ways.
The cost of lifestyle-related diseases, such as obesity, is staggering in the United States. According to some estimates, 80% of cases of diabetes, heart disease and stroke and 40% of cancer cases could be prevented. By 2050, one in three American adults should be diabetic.
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We also spend a lot more on technology and drugs. Pharmaceutical drugs are particularly expensive in the United States, in part because the biggest user of prescription drugs – Medicare – can not lower prices with drug manufacturers. According to Sanders' plan, the government would come to the table to negotiate prices.

Patients in the US health care system generally undergo far more unnecessary tests and interventions than patients in other countries, which is a high price. This is partly due to the motivation of profits, as well as to a phenomenon known as "defensive medicine". It is then that doctors and hospitals are too cautious and perform tests and analyzes for fear of ending up outside the operating room and in the room. ; hearing. In 2008, defensive medicine cost $ 55.6 billion in health care in the United States.
According to the National Academy of Medicine, a nonprofit organization, in 2009, one-third of all health care costs was a total waste and did nothing to make Americans feel really better.

What do most people think of Medicare for all?

This proposal for expansion is not only popular with politicians; he gets a lot of support from their constituents. An investigation by the Kaiser Family Foundation in January found that 56% of Americans support Medicare for All.

Public support also depends on your qualification of the program. Remind people that this will eliminate health insurance premiums and lower health care costs for more Americans, and that the program will benefit from a 67% increase. If you tell people that Medicare for All guarantees health care a right for all Americans, the program's approval climbs to 71%.

But remind them that this could eliminate private insurance and support reversals. According to the survey, 58% of Americans would oppose Medicare for All if it got rid of private insurance. Sixty percent of respondents said they oppose the single payer system when it was announced to them that it would increase taxes for most Americans.

In the meantime, what can I do to reduce my own health care costs?

Take charge of your health. Eat better. Exercise.

Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity are among the most prevalent and costly in the United States. Six out of ten Americans have at least one chronic disease; 4 out of 10 have two or more. Americans with five or more chronic conditions account for 12% of the population, but 41% of total health care expenditures. These Americans spend 14 times more on health care than those without chronic disease.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, chronic diseases account for 90% of all health expenditures. These conditions are the main drivers of our health care spending of nearly $ 3.5 trillion.

Nadia Kounang and Tami Luhby from CNN contributed to this report.


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