What ESPN thinks has been a "good surprise" for the Patriots so far | Patriots of New England


Until now, much of the attention surrounding the patriots has focused on the offense, and rightly so. But to say frankly that New England is different on the other side of the ball, it's a little less well sold.

Neither the Pittsburgh Steelers nor the Miami Dolphins could compete with the Patriots' defense, which has so far only allowed three points in the campaign. In fact, you must return to the January AFC Championship game for the last time New England lets an opponent reach the end zone.

The defense of New England looked good early in the season, but few saw unity play as well. As such, ESPN believes that the defense of the defending champion was the most pleasant surprise of the team during the first two weeks of the campaign.

"After a low-season discussion on who would take the place of defenseman Brian Flores – and whether Bill Belichick can be smothered by increased defense oversight – the unit has been stingy for two games, tuning in." than three points, "writes Mike Reiss. . "The pace of points can not continue – no defense has finished the season with an average of 1.5 points allowed per game – but there is no reason to believe that the unit can not continue to play if the level of competition is increasing. " It's a versatile and talented group.

The Patriots' defense is ready for a new performance this Sunday when it hosts the New York Jets at Gillette Stadium. The second caller, Luke Falk, is about to make his career debut in the divisional duel, and we all know how inexperienced QBs are right against Bill Belichick and Co.

Thumbnail photo via Steve Mitchell / USA TODAY Sports Images


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