What happened when I made cannabis suppositories?


And let's stop calling them "weed buffers"

K. McMillan

Yes you have a uterus, you are probably no stranger to menstrual cramps. According to reports, 84.1% of women have menstrual pain, and among these, 43.1% have pains in each period. A recent study of the incidence of dysmenorrhea and other menstrual symptoms in women's daily lives found that one in three women was unable to perform regular activities in the presence of such symptoms. And in these cases, half of the women do not tell their families that their periods affect them.

Despite the prevalence and sometimes debilitating nature of menstrual pains, a quick search in Google leads to over-the-counter NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as aspirin and ibuprofren, as well as other drugs. hormonal contraceptives, such as birth control pills or some IUDs. If medical conditions such as fibroids or endometriosis are causing pain, surgery may be necessary.

Presented in the media as "weed buffers" – which they definitely are not, because they do not absorb menstrual blood – suppositories provide potential relief from menstrual cramps by bringing THC and CBD directly where they were needed.

In the end, there is no cure for menstrual cramps, leaving those who have the uterus to navigate as they please with good trial and error (like what's new?).

After years of taking Advil, contraceptive pills and Chinese herbs, I started exploring cannabis about ten years ago, mainly through tobacco and food products, to reduce the menstrual pains that I have experienced almost all my life. Since then, I have discovered that the ability of cannabis to fight inflammation, nausea and insomnia is more flexible and reliable than anything I've tried.

Then, Foria changed the game by introducing suppositories infused with cannabis. Presented in the media as "weed buffers" – which they definitely are not, because they do not absorb menstrual blood – suppositories provide potential relief from menstrual cramps by bringing THC and CBD directly where they are needed.

"Suppositories are in the same area where you have your menstrual cramps," says Barbara Blaser, clinical services director of the Oakland Magnolia Wellness Clinic and a registered nurse for more than 50 years. "The medication does not have to go from your brain to your abdomen. It is absorbed by the sensitive tissues of this region and becomes immediately available for the relief of pain. "

But the perfect storm of cannabis and illicit cramps at the federal level as a "women's problem" means that science and medicine are still catching up. "Most of the information you will get on cannabis use will be anecdotal," says Blaser.

That's why I jumped at the opportunity when I had the opportunity to talk about making these homemade weed suppositories.

I decided to seek the help of my friend and collaborator at the workshop, Penny Barthel, Certified Cannabis Horticulturist, Licentiate in Nutrition and UC Food Sciences. Berkeley. Penny knows how to make cannabis recipes and has been making her own tinctures and ointments infused with weeds for quite some time.

But first we needed supplies. We wanted our suppositories to contain CBD and THC, two drugs that are effective in relieving pain and inflammation. Not only that, but when they are both present, the CBD mitigates the impact of THC, so the user will probably not feel much, if any, of intoxicating effects.

I had a 500mg bottle of Pure Bloom Full Spectrum CBD oil, which I had received as a squeeze sample, and a gram of THC-rich strawberry banana antidote sauce I had bought on a whim. I even realized Michael's real world fever dream (seriously, this place is my worst nightmare) and went under unicorn and star shapes to select a perfect heart-candy mold for our project.

We do not have the hard science to tell us that weed will work absolutely no matter what – you just have to try, see what happens and adjust accordingly.

The most difficult aspect of creating your own product impregnated with cannabis is to make it dosable. Cannabis is a case of trial and error. Whatever the effects of a hangman or a brand, it all depends on your degree of tolerance to your body weight, from your mood to what you have eaten at breakfast. We do not have the hard science to tell us that weed will work absolutely no matter what – you just have to try, see what happens and adjust accordingly.

That is why it is better to start with a lower dose, because even if you can still add some (for example, by eating the other half of an edible), you can not subtract (if you eat the whole thing) edible and that ends up being too strong, you just have to wait until the end). Since I had never tried suppositories, starting with a low dose of 5mg and accumulating seemed to be more effective than targeting the 60mg used by Foria and risking being overwhelmed by the stronger potency.

We therefore decided that we wanted our suppositories to contain a 1: 1 ratio of CBD to THC at a maximum dose of 5 mg each. This meant that we had to determine the amount of CBD in a full dose of CBD oil, and then add enough doses to our entire batch of cocoa butter to get 5 mg of CBD per heart.

Since we relied on a highly concentrated sauce for our THC, we melted another batch of 50 ml of coconut oil in the microwave and added the entire pot of sauce to dilute it effectively. At the end of this process, we only needed to add a teaspoon of our THC infused coconut oil to our CBD infused cocoa butter to get the 1 ratio: 1 that we were looking for.

Once the ingredients combined, we poured our infused oil into the heart-shaped mold and put it in the freezer. Within 20 minutes, they were solid. I brought mine home and put them in the fridge. About four days later, my period came. I decided to try them at bedtime two nights in a row.

Did they work?

It's hard to say.

I had some cramps, but it was manageable. And I already layer cannabis products: I smoke a joint against pain and relaxation, I eat an edible food at night to soothe inflammation and help me sleep, and I complete the case with an oil or dye rich in CBD. Suppository was the last addition to a personal care plan that I had been perfecting for years, which also involved making dietary adjustments: I was cutting sugar and dairy products and I was also supposed to stop caffeine, but let me live.

Although I can not say with certainty that the suppositories worked, the fact of not letting me double in cold sweats meant that my overall process, which included suppositories, worked. I think it's worth it, and not just for menstrual cramps – people who have trouble swallowing medications can also benefit from trying them out rectally.

Being able to take medicine in the garden or in a plant drawer for personal use is very stimulating. Now that I know how to make cannabis suppositories, I can experiment the recipe until I find the perfect formula.

And next time, I'm going to have the unicorn mold.

Here is our recipe for CBD 1: 1: THC cannabis infused suppositories:

70 grams of cocoa butter

50 grams of coconut oil

75 mg of CBD oil *

1 gram of THC rich concentrate (we used the sauce) **

Candy mold or ice tray

Using a microwave or a bain-marie, gradually melt the cocoa butter. Once melted, remove the cocoa butter from the heat and add CBD oil. Stir until combined.

In a separate bowl, gradually melt the coconut oil. Add the concentrate jar and mix. If you encounter small crystals, it is THC. Continue melting the infused oil in small bursts of 10 seconds in the microwave and use a spoon to crush the crystals until they dissolve.

Mix 1 teaspoon of THC-infused coconut oil into the full batch of CBD-infused cocoa butter. Fill the mold or tray with the oil completely infused. Place it in the freezer for at least 30 minutes.

Notes on the determination of the dosage:

* When using something that can be easily dosed, such as CBD oil or tincture, to infuse your oil, the calculation is quite easy. If the CBD oil bottle contains a total of 500 mg of CBD and a full dropper equals 30 ml, divide 500 by 30 to indicate that there is 16.7 mg of CBD in each dose complete.

Since we manufactured 15 suppositories, we increased 15 doses by 5 mg, which equals 75 mg of total CBD. To determine the amount of CBD oil we needed, we divide 75 mg by 16.7 mg per dropper, which corresponds to about 4.5 complete droppers (total of 75 mg) to cover the lot. This would give 5 mg of CBD for each heart.

** Incorporating THC was more complicated. We had 1 gram of sauce, which contained 850 mg of THC. Using our 5 mg goal, the THC was broken down into 170 doses throughout the jar – far more than we needed for our needs, but again, maths allowed us to save time.

To measure the amount needed, we diluted the sauce by infusing a separate batch of 50 ml of coconut oil with the whole gram of sauce, which gave 17 mg / ml of infused oil to the THC. The addition of 4.5 ml (essentially 1 teaspoon) of THC infused coconut oil to our 75 mg of CBD infused oil gave 5 mg of THC per 5 g heart. which gave us the 1: 1 ratio we were looking for.


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