What happened with Dean Unglert and Kristina Schulman?


This season of Bachelor in Paradise already brings the drama, and there are many familiar faces joining the cast, too. One of the most infamous members of the cast paradise is Dean Unglert. Known for his flirtatious nature and love triangle on the beach, he seemed to have no problems this season, staying true to Caelyn Miller-Keyes. Apart from Miller-Keyes, there was another paradise– that Unglert knew very well – and that was Kristina Schulman.

It's time to catch paradise Viewers are aware of the sordid story of Schulman and Unglert because it is quite intense. Here is what happened with Unglert and Schulman in the past and how Unglert felt to see her at the beach during the current season.

Dean Unglert just broke the heart of Caelynn Miller-Keyes Bachelor in Paradise

Caelynn Miller-Keyes dropped to Dean Unglert when she first met him on the beach – and although she knew that he had a reputation for playing on the pitch, she did when even chosen to continue the relationship. Unfortunately, the rug was removed from Miller-Keyes on his birthday. While Unglert gave him a rose at the ceremony, he then dismissed her and told him that he would never be able or willing to give her what she needed in a romantic relationship.

"We are happy now, of course, because we get along very well and we spend every moment of our waking together while we are here. But after we leave, it will not be like that. Our lifestyles will not be compatible with this situation, "Unglert told Miller-Keyes, according to Pop Culture. From there, Unglert left the show.

Miller-Keyes was obviously unbearably hurt by the ordeal. "I thought he was forever and he blinded me," she said.

Unglert had a love triangle involving Kristina Schulman over a past season

Dean Unglert and Kristina Schulman
Dean Unglert and Kristina Schulman | Paul Hebert / Walt Disney Television via Getty Images

Others on the beach regretted Miller-Keyes, but they were not surprised by Unglert's behavior. An initiator of the TV explains during the season 4 of the show that Unglert and Kristina Schulman got themselves immediately, and he even visited him in his hometown after shooting a brief break . Everything became much more complicated when Danielle Lombard arrived. Lombard asked Unglert a date, and he accepted with pleasure. From there, Unglert was caught kissing Lombard while Schulman watched him. While he was asking Schulman to be patient with him while he understood his feelings, she did not have them.

It was not just Schulman who was fed up with Unglert's round trips. Lombard told Unglert that if he accepted a Schulman rose, she would not want to pursue anything with him. From there, Unglert seemed to choose Lombard – and Schulman completely left the series. That ended with Unglert feeling pretty unfortunate for his choice, though. Unglert later broke with Lombard.

Unglert said that seeing Schulman again did not bother him at all.

While paradise At that time he did not seem to be talking to Schulman and Lombard again after the show was over. And we know that Unglert shared the paradise beaches with Schulman this time too. While their relationship might have been totally delicate given their history, Cosmopolitan reports that Unglert mentioned on its podcast that it was actually quite satisfying.

"Then enter paradise For the second time with one of my ex on the beach … you might think it would be a little awkward. But in all honesty, this was not the case, "he said. "Basically, I told him that I hope it's not going to be awkward. If you are interested in someone below, I hope you know that you have my vote of confidence or, as my vote of support for you. "

According to the appearance of the excerpts from the episode, it would appear that Unglert is on the way back to paradise to reignite the flame with Miller-Keyes. We will have to wait and see what will happen (and whether there will be another love triangle with him, Miller-Keyes and Connor Saeli).

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