What is 420 Day? Why is National 4/20 Weed Day? What does it mean, where does it come from and is marijuana legal?


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The highest day of holy days for marijuana smokers is coming – National 420 Day. Marijuana day. Weed day. Pot Day. No matter what you call it, people smoke. The day has become synonymous with smoking grass over the years to the point of becoming a national marijuana day. This only grows as the pot legalization becomes more and more widespread.

When is 420? What is its origin? Will there be events and festivals? Here's all you need to know about the day of cannabis madness.

When is 4/20?

April 20, 2019. It falls on a Saturday of this year.

What is the origin and meaning of 4/20?

April 20 has horrific connotations aside from marijuana. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. And on April 20, 1999 was held the shooting at Columbine High School. No reason why people smoke grass on 4/20, though.

A common misconception is that "420" is a police radio code for smoking marijuana. This is not true either. Legend has it that a group of potholes in San Rafael, California, in the early 70s, was preparing at 4:20 pm. in front of a statue of scientist Louis Pasteur. This led to 420 being the code for everything related to marijuana.

In 1990, the marijuana publication High Times used the term 420 and ended up buying the website 420.com.

Are there events and festivals?

There are 4/20 festivals all over the country, Colorado being a hotbed of events as marijuana is legal and culture has exploded. You can access a massive database of events and festivals here.

Is marijuana legal in New Jersey?

Not yet. When Phil Murphy became governor, it seemed like recreational marijuana would be a possibility. Murphy supports the legalization of weeds. State legislative leaders support the legalization of grass. And 60% of Garden State residents are in favor of legalizing grass. But the historic vote in the state legislature on a bill that would have legalized the pot for adults 21 years and older was canceled in March and was postponed – perhaps by the end of the month of may.

How can I learn more about legalized marijuana in New Jersey?

Subscribe to NJ Cannabis Insider, a comprehensive guide to the legal marijuana trade in New Jersey. In addition to articles on issues, politics, policies, laws, regulations, and powerful industry players, there are networking opportunities during live events and a private Facebook page. In the honor of 420 Day, you can get 20% off an annual subscription.

Jeremy Schneider can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @J_Schneider. Find NJ.com sure Facebook

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