What is CBD oil? – All About CBD Oil


In appearance overnight, CBD is present everywhere and in every conceivable product. The overhead of CBD can vary from city to city, but here at Delish Headquarters in New York, signs are everywhere: smoothies infused with CBD, chocolates, cakes, coffee 39 Olive oil, honey and much more are offered in cafes and shops, while CBD massages and facials appear on the spa menus. You call it, CBD oil can be infused there.

CBD can be a daunting concept because the chemical compound is derived from the cannabis plant and is therefore associated with marijuana. So, despite its omnipresence, this does not seem to be something you should admit to take in front of your boss. But clearly, culture is changing, and you might be intrigued, or simply confused, by everything. In order to understand and relax the tense muscles of our jaws, we used two CBD experts to explain them.

What is CBD?

First, the initials themselves. "CBD is a compound found in the cannabis plant – it's one of the two most common," said Aryn Sieber, founder and CEO of CannaCauses Foundation and Cannaisseur Brands. "The other is tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the THC, the one that makes you go up." There are more than 100 types of cannabinoids in the cannabis / hemp plant, but these are the ones you hear about now.

Of course, you can associate everything related to cannabis as a "drug" because it has been stigmatized and criminalized for over a century in the United States. But "the CBD itself does not give you a" head up "or such a psychotropic height, as does the THC," says Sieber. It is associated with pleasant benefits, which is why people are so interested.

"Each of these [cannabinoids] Feliks Gurevich, founder of Baked Bazaar, an online market for advanced products, targets different body receptors that act on different things and bring your body into a state of homeostasis, which really means that your body is functioning as expected . Artisan CBD products. "Sometimes people feel anxiety or pain and your body is able to fight them, but it needs something to tell us what to fix exactly."

He is, however, careful to extol the supposed virtues because the FDA has not yet approved CBD for medical purposes (except in the case of an anti-epilepsy drug). As a result, the benefits are neither sanctioned nor proven by the federal government. So, informally? Most of the products on the market claim to help relieve aches, pains, nervousness and other symptoms of anxiety.

Why is it everywhere all at once?

You are not crazy. Our experts point out that a US law has changed everything. "I think the driving force behind the green rush right now is the 2018 Farm Bill, which was actually aimed at helping farmers resolve their differences with other countries," said Mr. Gurevich about the law that legalized the growth and sale of hemp.

"When Trump signed the bill to legalize hemp, the marketed form allowing him to cross borders between states – that's when the wave came in. Everyone and his brother are making a product to Hemp base containing CBD and boast it with all these medicinal benefits … and so on, "says Sieber.

And undeniably, the culture around cannabis has changed dramatically in the last five years, as more and more states and cities have decriminalized the purchase, possession and use of marijuana. "Cannabis has become a little more common," said Gurevich. "It's becoming more and more accepted … I do not want to say drugbut it is an accepted form of healing. "

Gummy bears infused with CBD

Yum yum

$ 79.99

Why is it so expensive?

So maybe you are interested in trying a CBD product. But when you buy a CBD cookie at your local café, you get an average of $ 9. Which give? The answer is not really regulations, taxes and production costs. "A few years ago, before the Farm Bill, the production of CBD was very expensive.When the market became a little more public and more farmers started to grow it and distribute it, the prices have dropped dramatically, "says Gurevich. "However, many people are trying to gain ground to take advantage of this."

"Greed is just the fact of the matter," says Sieber. "I've been told once, how much do you sell it, you sell it for what you can get." That said, with the new competition and the increasingly educated consumer, prices are likely to fall in the years to come.

Should I eat CBD in foods?

If you went to college (or have traveled to Amsterdam before), it is likely that you have seen "food products" for sale, baked goods or THC candies. Likewise, many food products are infused with CBD or baked with CBD oil. Baked Bazaar, the company of Gurevich, offers a multitude of products such as caramel bars, lemonade, brownies, coffee and even macaroni and cheese.

"It's my favorite subject! The possibilities of the CBD are endless," says Gurevich. "We have an olive oil, we are currently working to get a coconut oil, raw sugar, simple syrups and other ingredients that can be used for cooking and cooking full meals. There are many possibilities for cooking with CBD. " He also saw people pouring their olive oil over CBD on, for example, a caprese salad.

That said, you should not expect a major effect of foods containing CBD. "When you eat it, it must then pass through the lining of your stomach, your liver, your kidneys, all the natural nutrition system.Caution is imperative: why do you use it? Because if you l & rsquo; # 39; use for medicinal purposes, for example for a migraine or anxiety, I'm not sure to be able to eat it with food, "says Sieber. "A drink is better because the bioavailability will be faster and more in a liquid than in a solid food." Even more quickly would be simply a dye or an oil, consumed directly or applied to the skin.

For your information, candies infused with CBD may have a slightly earthy taste or smell that may not be suitable for everyone. This varies by product, but consider consulting online reviews before you buy or start taste testing at a coffee shop near you.


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