What is it like to live on a big boat


Even with the boom in boat sales and charters, yachting remains an enigma for most people.

CNBC spoke to several yacht owners who agreed to answer all questions – without any forbidden topics – about the yachting lifestyle and perhaps more importantly, how much it costs.

The owners

Nim and Fabiola Hirschhorn are in the US Virgin Islands aboard Luna, their 2019 45-foot Lagoon 450S catamaran. The couple operate all-inclusive crewed charters in the Caribbean.

Sophie Darsy and Ryan Ellison are in the Azores on Polar Seal, a 2007 Beneteau Oceanis 40 equipped for ocean sailing. Several years ago the couple learned to sail, quit their corporate jobs and are now recounting their life at sea.

How much does a decent yacht cost?

N. Hirschhorn: It depends on a few basic parameters. Is the boat used or new, in what year was it built, is it a monohull or catamaran, is it an old charter yacht or has it always been privately owned … just want to take a coastal cruise or cross the oceans?

The Hirschhorns operate charters in the Caribbean, with four-night trips for two people starting at around $ 12,000.

Courtesy of Sail Luna

Luna was bought new for $ 650,000; However, we know a lot of people who live on boats bought for between $ 30,000 and $ 80,000.

On average, you can buy a 45-foot mid-range seaworthy monohull that can sail around the world for $ 100,000 to $ 150,000 and a catamaran of the same size for around $ 250,000 to $ 500,000. Of course, there are boats at both ends of the spectrum and at all prices in between.

A rough guide to entry-level boat purchases

Cost Cut Year of construction What there is to know
$ 5,000 – $ 20,000 20-30 feet from the 1960s to the 1980s Will likely need maintenance which could easily cost as much as the boat
$ 30,000 to $ 60,000 30-40 feet 1970s to 1980s The unlikely boat will be ready for the cruise; allow at least 25% of the boat’s value for repairs and upgrades after purchase
$ 70,000 to $ 110,000 40-50 feet from the 1990s to the 2000s A modern entry-level boat or a larger and older boat; here the cost is a balance between age, size and equipment
Source: Sophie Darsy

Are there other costs to be aware of?

Lesson: The purchase price is only part of the budget you need to acquire a yacht. Once we took delivery of our boat, the costs came faster than we thought!

American Ryan Ellison and French Sophie Darsy, now both Swedish, bought their boat for $ 90,000 in 2016.

Courtesy of Ryan and Sophie Sailing

In the first three years we owned Polar Seal, we spent at least $ 40,000 to equip it for cruising and ocean sailing, including:

  • A cockpit shelter to keep the cockpit dry: $ 7,000
  • New sails: $ 8,000
  • A dinghy and an electric outboard [engine for the dinghy]: $ 5,000
  • A watermaker to make fresh water from seawater: $ 2,000
  • Lithium batteries and parts to power the devices: $ 6,000
  • A new autopilot: $ 2,000
  • Life raft: $ 2,500
  • Safety and communication equipment: $ 3,000

If you want to buy a boat, keep at least 30% of your budget for maintenance, repairs and upgrades.

We also have annual fees for boat insurance (between $ 1,000 and $ 4,000, depending on location) and travel and health insurance when we are outside of Europe ($ 1,500) as well as tickets. plane to visit our families (approximately $ 2,000 per year).

How much do you have to earn – or save – to live on a yacht for a few years?

N. Hirschhorn: Think about what it costs to live on earth – what kind of lifestyle do you live? Do you like to eat in fancy restaurants and buy nice things? There is a good chance that you will do the same when living on a boat, which means that your lifestyle will often cost the same. Are you going to anchor – which is free – or stay in the marinas? Will you be on sabbatical to live off your savings or do you work along the way? Are you a family or a couple?

Nim Hirschhorn said he was paying between $ 90 and $ 300 per night to moor his boat in Caribbean marinas.

Courtesy of Sail Luna

We have friends who lived on a 1984 47-foot monohull for two years with three children. The boat cost $ 90,000 and they lived on $ 50,000 a year sailing the Caribbean and anchoring all the time.

Personally, we live on around $ 100,000 a year. I know couples living on $ 1,000 a month and families living on $ 3,000 to $ 6,000 a month. It’s not uncommon in our community to hear that living on a boat and traveling the world is cheaper than living on land.

How does location affect costs?

Lesson: In 2019, we spent the winter in a marina in Spain where we were able to benefit from a favorable rate ($ 300 per month). But the food was very inexpensive ($ 300 per month). We have taken advantage of our time at the dock to undertake large boat projects and our maintenance budget has increased significantly – $ 15,000 in upgrades over six months.

But we hired a car at virtually no cost through a local deal, and our ‘fun activities’ budget almost fell to zero as we took advantage of inexpensive restaurants and bars with friends all over southern Spain. .

Yacht owners also have budgets, said Sophie Darsy who, along with Ryan Ellison, spends about $ 3,500 a month on boat maintenance, data plans, groceries, the occasional stay at the marina and trips. activities such as diving, windsurfing and car rental.

Courtesy of Ryan and Sophie Sailing

By comparison, when we took a three week detour to Bermuda, groceries and restaurants were very expensive. But, we spent these weeks at anchor and didn’t have to pay for a marina. We didn’t spend anything on maintenance or repairs. We spent the remaining weeks of this month at sea, and since we didn’t spend any money during those two weeks, we made our budget.

How has the pandemic affected yachting?

N. Hirschhorn: It’s more complicated … some countries have their seaports closed for visiting yachts, and some are asking for an entry protocol that could include pre-approval and quarantine for up to two weeks on board.

Some countries do not accept all nationalities and travelers of specific origins, which makes it difficult when you can have three to four nationalities on board. Other countries only welcome vaccinated travelers.

Covid testing requirements mean that “we can no longer jump from island to island,” Nim said, adding that frequent rule changes and delays in test results have complicated boating logistics.

Courtesy of Sail Luna

Lesson: The pandemic has made it a bit more difficult to navigate between countries, but while our options were extremely limited in 2020, we were much more fortunate in 2021.

Like the real estate market, the boat market has exploded in 2020 and 2021. It seems like everyone and their neighbor are keen on buying a yacht… prices have also gone up in ways never seen before. Our boat has increased in value to the point that if we sold it today, we would not lose any of the capital we invested in it.

Is having young children compatible with full-time life on a yacht?

F. Hirschhorn: There is no reason that children of all ages cannot live on a yacht. Many families live in boats on the water and it is usually very confident, intelligent and worldly children who thrive in this way of life. In the Caribbean in particular, there are hundreds of “kidboats” [boats with families living on them].

Is there Wi-Fi at sea?

N. Hirschhorn: Yes, we have a few layers of service. We have a cellular data service that can pick up a signal up to 20 nautical miles offshore. As we usually sail between the Caribbean islands, we are usually always connected. We also have two other satellite systems with limited Wi-Fi, but coverage all over the world.

Lesson: No! We only have Wi-Fi in port or at anchor when we have a data plan for the country we are currently sailing in. On the high seas we have satellite internet which allows us to download basic weather forecasts and emails, but certainly not watch Netflix or listen to Spotify!

Is seasickness frequent?

Lesson: Many sailors suffer from seasickness, and I am particularly prone to it. The trick is to prevent it. Once the nausea sets in, you cannot get rid of it.

We know many boat owners who are not wealthy at all. It’s just another lifestyle …

Nim hirschhorn

Sail Luna Captain

My top tips are:

  • Take medication the night before you leave and get a good night’s sleep.
  • Drink lots of water and eat a lot more than usual; hypoglycemia accelerates seasickness.
  • Keep yourself warm; invest in clothing and boating gear that will protect you from the elements, as the cold will send you into a stinking hell in no time.

Is skinny soaking allowed?

N. Hirschhorn: No, we must respect local laws and customs; however, in the Mediterranean, nudity is much more common.

Lesson: It is not uncommon for us to be alone at anchor, off a desert island. No one is watching, so …

What is the most frequent question you are asked?

N. Hirschhorn: Many ask us if we have a home on earth. We love to see the surprise on their faces when we explain to them that Luna is our home.

It is “easy” to travel between European countries, but the Caribbean can have “archaic” and expensive processes for yachts, Darsy said.

Courtesy of Ryan and Sophie Sailing

Lesson: All of my friends have asked me if I was ever afraid of encountering a storm or heavy seas that would capsize our boat, and honestly before we left I was!

But now I know we always leave port when we have a good weather window. In three years, 13,000 nautical miles and two ocean crossings, we have only sailed once in strong winds and we have done perfectly.

What’s the biggest misconception people have about the yachting lifestyle?

N. Hirschhorn: Some people think that a yacht owner is a millionaire. We know many boat owners who are not wealthy at all. It’s just a different lifestyle that comes with a lot of bonuses, but also a lot of sacrifices.

Lesson: People believe that we are very rich, that we come from rich families or that we make a lot of money. None of this is true. We have saved a lot of money, made some sacrifices and continue to do so… and we are on budget.

When we were employed full time Ryan and I had comfortable salaries at home and we were living the dream of “two incomes, no children”. We now earn less than half of what we earn then and live on half of our old budget… but our lives are much richer.

Editor’s Note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity.


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