What is not true – Rolling Stone


"If someone wears a mask, he'll tell you the truth," said Bob Dylan in the middle of Martin Scorsese's new movie on Netflix Rolling Thunder Review: A story of Bob Dylan. "If he's not wearing a mask, it's very unlikely." As he says, Bob Dylan is definitely do not wear a mask. He is also involved in a documentary that sometimes uses actors to tell stories about the tour. Tactics may confuse a large number of people, so here's a guide to the different elements of the film illustrated by fiction.

1. Sharon Stone, a teenager, did not join the Rolling Thunder Review.
Many rock stars of Bob Dylan's day had relationships with teenage fans in the 1970s that could cause them a lot of harm and embarrassment if details were to surface today. Dylan, however, is the only one to have the courage to strive to create such a relationship in the interest of art. It's about halfway through the movie when Sharon Stone (who plays herself) talks about being a 19-year-old when Rolling Thunder came to her town and then hit the road for a while. short time after taking Dylan. a taste for her. None of this is true and the photos taken together are fake. (She would have been 17 at the time too, but the gag is a little less funny if she is a minor.)

2. Dylan did not attend a Kiss concert in Queens.
In the film, Dylan says that he had the idea of ​​wearing white face makeup on the Rolling Thunder Revue after Scarlet Rivera brought him to a Kiss concert in Queens. But Kiss has not played in Queens since February 1973, long before Dylan met Rivera. These were tiny club shows from a totally unknown group. Not at all, Dylan was at one of them and he did not have the idea of ​​makeup either. For the most part, makeup was inspired by the 1945 French film Children of paradise.

3. A mysterious man named Stefan van Dorp did not make the original film.
Throughout the 1975 stage of the Rolling Thunder Review, Dylan was shooting the movie Renaldo and Clara with almost every member of the performance troupe. The raw footage of the film is the seed of this new documentary, but Scorsese's film never mentions Renaldo and Clara. Instead, he has face-to-face talks with a so-called tour director, Stefan van Dorp, who turned everything up and never had enough credit for his work. Such a person does not exist. It's actually Martin von Haselberg of the 1970s performance duo, the Kipper Kids, who plays a role. He is also married to Bette Midler, who can be briefly seen with Dylan in a Greenwich Village club at the beginning of the film.

4. There is no Congressman Jack Tanner.
Towards the end of the film, a supposed Michigan representative, Jack Tanner, talks about using his relationship with Jimmy Carter to participate in a Rolling Thunder show in Niagara Falls. It's actually the actor Michael Murphy. Jack Tanner's name comes from Robert Altman's 1988 campaign documentary Tanner '88, which was written by Garry Trudeau.

5. Jim Gianopulos did not promote the tour
Jim Gianopulos is a man of many achievements. He has co-chaired Fox Filmed Entertainment for 12 years and is now the CEO of Paramount Pictures. But he did not promote the Rolling Thunder Review. At the time, he attended the Fordham Law School. He is surprisingly good actor, through.

None of this takes away the power of the documentary. After all, it's a story that has often been told in many mediums. Adding some fiction with this incredible new video makes it all more fun and interesting. "We hope people will watch him several times to unlock his various Easter eggs," said a source close to Camp Dylan. Rolling stone. "Documentary footage can be used in any way you want to tell a story, and we hope people will know what makes them happy in this movie."


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