What is the next step for Eric Garner's family now that the New York Police Officer has been fired


"Yes, he was fired, but the fight is not over," said Garner's daughter, Emerald Snipes Garner.

"We will attend congressional hearings, we will try to reopen the case, we will sue the other officers involved because it is not over," she said.

She notably called for a new "Eric Garner Law", which "would prohibit officers from being shielded and not held accountable for their actions," she explained.

An NYPD officer accused of strangling Eric Garner five years ago was fired
A NYPD Discipline Judge said earlier this month that Pantaleo had used a bottleneck to commit a "reckless" act, which triggered a series of events that had resulted in the death of Garner during his arrest on Staten Island in 2014. Snipes Garner had stated that she did not want there is another murder like this.

"I will do everything in my power to never see another Eric Garner (dead)," she said. "I do not even want to see another video of a strangled person because it was not supposed to happen to him, and it's not supposed to happen."

Reverend Al Sharpton, a long-time civil rights activist and close ally of the Garner family, explained that he was advocating for a law that would make choking a crime and not a violation of internal politics of the New York Police.

"It should be a national law and a federal law that forces police to be guilty of crimes and not dismissals," he said.

Joey Jackson, a CNN legal analyst, said it would make sense to have national guidelines on appropriate police maneuvers, as opposed to those in New York.

"There is a reason why choking has been banned, why? Because it causes the death of people," he said. "If they can enact a law that would ban that everywhere, then I think it's certainly beneficial."

On Monday, Sharpton also called on US Representative Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, to hold congressional hearings and investigate why the federal government had not initiated proceedings on the violation of Garner's civil rights.

In a statement, Nadler said the Justice Department had dropped Eric Garner and his family, and that there would be future hearings.

"The House Judiciary Committee will hold hearings and review legislation from this Congress to strengthen police-community relations," he said. "We must continue to work at all levels of government, within our local police services and on the ground in our communities to ensure positive change."

Like her granddaughter, Garner's mother, Gwen Carr, said that although she had discouraged her last five years, she had not finished. She called the other officers where Garner died to lose their job. She added that she would not be intimidated by Pantaleo or her lawyer, who announced her intention to appeal the dismissal and the loss of the pension.

"But I'm still here, I'm here for the long term, you come here against me, I'm here," Carr added. "And you can not run me away, Yeah, Pantaleo, maybe you lost your job, but I lost a son, you can not replace that."


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