What Meghan Markle needs to learn from Princess Diana to improve her image


Meghan Markle has been fiercely criticized by the public and the media, but a royal expert believes she hopes to improve her image. She does not need much inspiration, as she is advised to turn to Princess Diana to show how she behaves like a king.

meghan markle princess diana
Meghan Markle | Gotham / GC Images

Markle may want to follow the example of Princess Diana

During the 60 minutes Special on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, many of his critics have talked about the duchess's missteps. Could she learn something from Princess Diana?

Former secretary of Princess Diana, Patrick Jephson, noted that Markle might be inspired by the way Diana lived her life.

Jephson explained, "Princess Diana, of course, has a lot
younger throughout his royal career than Meghan is now. But what I noticed with
she is that she had a very clever instinct on what looked good and what
do not have it. "

He went on to say: "She fully understood that to succeed as a princess, she had to be very disciplined: she had to do her own job of preparation, she had to be very professional in her management of public life, but she had to also understand what people were waiting for and she knew that most royal people are visual. "

He also suggested that Markle also examine the Queen's story, noting: "I would say that she must look at two legacies – the Queen's legacy and I think she should study , really studying the life of her mother-in-law, her work how she worked, how she chose her causes, why they worked, why what she really made to vibrate in ordinary British people. "

Markle faces another hurdle with the audience – she's not British. Jephson explained: "Meghan is not and has never been an ordinary British person. Part of his challenge, then, is to determine what one feels, what an ordinary British person is, not to be, but to understand how to use his extraordinary and high profile influence. "

Would Princess Diana have been "dismayed" by Markle's behavior?

Most royal fans believe that Princess Diana would have warmly accepted Markle into the family, but one critic believes that the dead mother of Prince Harry might have been "dismayed" by the Sussex's behavior.

Writer Lady Colin Campbell described the couple's behavior as "graceless" and felt that Princess Diana would not be a fan. She told Woman magazine: "Diana would be dismayed, she had enough knowledge to know when to present a show."

Campbell added, "She was very conscious of the importance of
to be graceful, while Meghan – and Harry to a certain extent – trot the charm when he
suits them, but are otherwise without grace. "

Campbell thinks that the couple "deprives" the fans by being "pretentious" and says about Markle: "His behavior reflects a lack of understanding and appreciation of what is happening to him." To be royal. I do not know who she thinks she behaves this way. "


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