What to expect during the double live eviction of Big Brother 21


At the end of a long day, sometimes the best way to feel that you are living your best life is with comfortable PCs, a glass of wine and free reality TV. In our "Pleasures Pas-So-Guilty" series, we suppress "guilt" and dissociate the latest events from your favorite indulgences on television.

  • The concerts of the Thursday evening of week 11 mark Big Brother 21The planned double expulsion of.
  • We have upcoming spoilers as we expect it to be expelled first (Cliff or Jess), and who will be the target after the HOH competition of the night.

    Next to the final of the series, Double Expulsion Night is probably the most anticipated show of the whole Big Brother season. And all of you, it's finally here, officially on Thursday, September 5 live show. If there is a night to "wait for the unexpected", it is this one.

    For the uninitiated, here's why the double evictions are one of the best features of the game. First, Julie Chen has hidden from guests of the house the news close to the first hour of the series. The host reveals that, as usual, he will expel one of the designated guests that night. But after that, the remaining players will play a week of Big Brother in less than an hour. This means a HOH contest, nominations, the Veto contest, the veto ceremony, and a second eviction occurs live before the host can sign his signature: "I'm Julie Chen Moonves, Good night."

    Yes, it's so intense that it's going to happen your thrilling. But you can see how the players react under pressure – with little time to strategize and talk to each other – while suffering from the unpredictability of who will win and who will come out. Big Brother 21 House.

    So, who will be expelled on the first Thursday night?

    As with any double eviction, it's hard to say. But we can speculate. Currently (leading spoilers coming soonafter Tommy won this week's Veto contest he used it on Christie, saving her from the block. Like HOH, Jackson (alias Michie) subsequently named Cliff in his place, putting the 53-year-old oil engineer as a replacement candidate next to I ss.

    While Jess and Cliff are ready to be kicked out, Michie and Holly want the model to go home because they are lined up on Cliff. However, Christie and Tommy see Cliff as a bigger threat and want Jess to stay. This puts Nicole in a decisive position because she is friends with everyone in the house and must choose which side would be better for her upcoming game. At the time of printing, almost everyone in the game is trying to influence Nicole in their favor.

    Yes, preschool support holds a ton of power at the moment.

    Who will win HOH and who will be their target for a double eviction?

    We literally have no way of predicting the HOH. What we make know? Tommy, Christie and Jess said their targets were Holly and Michie because they wanted to split the show.

    Holly and Michie both said they plan to launch the next HOH. (Yes, we know). But if we do not know, they mentioned Tommy as a threat, have a longstanding rivalry with Christie and see an easy target at Jess, with whom they have no solid connection. Nicole and Cliff both seem to be on the side that makes them more comfortable, so their HOH would be the most unpredictable. However, in anticipation of the results of the first eviction (and the next 24 hours), all that we just said could make no sense for Thursday night.

    Who makes the fans want to to win HOH?

    If you take a look at the Jokers Updates poll, Nicole is currently ranked as the favorite player, Cliff in second place. The cast members who followed were all expelled until you reached Jackson, ranked eighth. So it's safe to say that these three people could please the crowd, with Nicole taking large drive.

    Yes, he's about to go crazy, but that's why we love Big Brother. And to all the fans who are looking forward to Thursday night, spend a double eviction evening happy (and sure to be stressful). We can not wait to see the chaos!

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