What to read after Game of Thrones: our choices – / Movie


What to read after Game of Thrones

This Sunday saw the end of the HBO program Game of thrones. Whatever your feelings on the finale, one thing is certain: our time with the many characters in the series, one way or another, is over.

But even though we have to say goodbye to the world of Westeros (at least this version, George R.R. Martin said none of the current characters would be on the list. Game of thrones spin-offs), there are tons of other epic fantasy stories out there for US fans to try.

So, in fact, that you can find novels with protagonists similar to your favorite woman US characters. Here is a list of books to try if you need more time with the software Game of thrones women.

Arya Stark started Game of thrones as an adventurous child, and ended the show as a skilled killer who saved all humanity from becoming frozen undead. If you're a fan of trends like Arya's assassins, you'll love Markswoman, the first book in the Asiana series that follows Kyra, a young murderer who aims to avenge her murdered family. The books deal with undiscovered secrets and political machinations surrounding the Kali Order, the organization of the murderous women of which Kyra is a part. Add magical teleportation centers and you'll have a fascinating story that will take Kyra to new lands.

The last scene of Game of thrones Does Arya become a marine adventurer as she heads to everything west of Westeros? If the idea of ​​Arya on the seas tempts you and / or if you are a fan of Yara Greyjoy (full disclosure: before the final, the recommendation of this book was from the Yara section), you will love Lila Bard of VE Schwab's Shades of the Magic Trilogy. Like Arya, Lila is an independent and willing woman who will kill if she needs it. And like Arya (and Yara), Lila also spends time on a boat doing adventurous things.

Yara Greyjoy has shown himself again and again as a sailor Game of thrones, and ends the show as leader of the Iron Islands. As mentioned above, Lila Bard of V. E. Schwab will also scratch Yara's itch. If you're looking for a novel that spends more time on the high seas, give it Pirate King's Daughter A try. This series of two books follows a young pirate captain named Alosa, who is deliberately captured by his enemies to retrieve a map of the buried treasure. Duology is for teenagers, and much of the book focuses on the romantic tension between Alosa and his allied enemy, Riden, but fans of Yara's waterways will find it an exciting adventure.

Brienne has been scathing since the second season of Game of thronesand his long-time dream comes true in The Long Night, when Jamie Lannister knighted him before the final battle against the army of the dead. Brienne survives this battle and, in one of the last scenes of the series, rose to the rank of leader of the small council of Bran the Broken. Brienne fans will be delighted to finally see her get the recognition she deserves, and can learn more about another signet in The Song of Lioness, in which a girl, Alanna of Trebond, pretends to be a boy knight. The books are for young readers, but are enjoyable at any age.

If you're looking for an adult fantasy with a warrior woman in mind, give it The armored saint, the first book of the trilogy of the sacred throne, an essay. This series follows Heloise, a girl from the village who, with the help of magical type mecha armor, becomes the leader of a rebellion against a malicious order. Unlike Brienne, Heloise does not look for her warrior status. Once she does, however, she will become a symbol for those who seek to overthrow an oppressive regime, which Brienne would approve.

The Sansa Stark case

Many fans cheered when Sansa Stark became queen of the North at the end of the month. Game of thrones final. Her path to becoming queen was difficult even in US standards, but there is no doubt that she will be a fair and just leader for her people. Those looking for another intelligent woman can appreciate The lost queen, A magical historical tale, inspired by real life Languoreth, the sixth-century queen in Scotland. Sansa and Languoreth have much in common, including a brother or sister touched by magic; while Sansa a Bran (aka the three-eyed crow, king of the six kingdoms of Westeros), Languoreth has his twin brother, Lailoken, who becomes the Merlin wizard.

Final Review of Game of Thrones

Daenerys Targaryen: Dragon flight by Anne McCaffery

Daenerys and his dragons share an unbreakable link in Game of thrones, with the last of his children, Drogon, mourning his death by turning the iron throne into a block of molten metal. Those who loved Dany's close relationships with his dragons might also like Dragon flight, a classic novel that more than likely influenced the writing of the story of Daenerys by George R. R. Martin. Dragon flight focuses on Lessa, the last of a noble lineage that begins the novel by hiding like a maid. At the end of the book, however, Lessa is tied to a powerful dragon and charged with protecting the world from a malicious existential force called Thread.

This list is just a sample of fantasy books with female protagonists that might remind you of some Game of thrones characters. Now that our watch is over for USI hope that one of these books will provide you with a new world in which to escape, a new world where women will kick.

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