What we know about the riot arrests at the Capitol


America watched like hordes of rioters burst into the US Capitol January 6 – smash windows, climb stairs and send lawmakers and law enforcement agencies running for their lives. The flood of protesters who poured into Capitol Hill that day left federal prosecutors with an equally immense task: to find and indict those responsible.

Earlier this month, Acting US Attorney Michael Sherwin said: “The scope and breadth of this investigation in these cases is truly unprecedented, not only in FBI history but possibly in the history of the DOJ. “

So far, federal prosecutors have charged at least 166 people for their alleged roles in the riot and opened more than 400 investigations into possible criminals.

As law enforcement continues to round up suspected attackers, here’s what CBS News has learned about the people who were arrested:

How many have been charged?

Authorities had indicted at least 166 people in federal court on Wednesday, and at least ten of them were also indicted by grand juries.

How many served in the army?

At least 15 of those arrested are veterans and two are currently serving in the Army Reserve, according to military service records obtained by CBS News.

Of the 17, seven served in the United States Army, seven served in the Marines, two served in the Navy, and one in the Air Force.

The Army Reserve shared the following statement with CBS News: “The US Army Reserve takes seriously all allegations of the involvement of soldiers or civilians in extremist groups and will address this matter in accordance with US regulations. army and the Uniform Code of Military Justice to ensure due process. Extremist ideologies and activities directly oppose our values ​​and beliefs and those who subscribe to extremism have no place in our ranks. “

Where do they come from?

The rioters come from at least 38 states outside of Washington, DC. Among those arrested with known home states, most were from Texas and Florida, with 18 Texans and 14 Floridians charged. Other well-represented states included New York, with 13 orders and California, with 10 orders. New Jersey had nine arrests and Virginia eight.

How many worked in law enforcement?

At least four people were working as law enforcement officers when they allegedly took part in the riot, and all have since quit their jobs. Houston Police Officer Tam Dinh Pham and Monmouth County Correctional Police Officer Marissa Suarez both resigned after their arrests, and two Virginia police officers were fired after prosecutors charged them for their alleged conduct at the Capitol.

How many have extremist affiliations?

Authorities have linked at least 21 suspected rioters with extremist groups, including the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, Texas Freedom Force and the QAnon conspiracy group.

How many were women?

While the Jan. 6 crowd was largely male, at least 19 women were arrested for their alleged participation.

How old are these people arrested?

Among the 46 accused whose ages are known, the average age was 42 years. The youngest known suspected rioter is Emanuel Jackson, 20, a man from Maryland who prosecutors say hit officers with a bat. The oldest was Lonnie Coffman, 70, a man from Alabama who authorities said brought a car full of guns and explosives to Washington, DC.

Common costs

Much of the suspected rioters have been charged with minor offenses such as trespassing offenses, but prosecutors plan to add charges for more serious crimes as the evidence becomes available. Sherwin said “nearly all” of the cases federal prosecutors have charged have involved “significant federal crimes” with potential sentences ranging from five to 20 years.

Federal prosecutors have charged at least 83 people with “violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol Hill grounds”, a felony punishable by up to six months in prison, or up to five years if it is associated with a weapons violation.

At least 15 people have been arrested for allegedly assaulting an officer, a felony punishable by sentences ranging from one to 20 years, depending on the circumstances of the assault. Prosecutors said on Tuesday that once they had time to review the body camera footage, they expected to charge more people with crimes related to police assaults.

At least seven people have been charged with theft of government property, including Aaron Mostofsky, who was pictured with a United States Capitol Police riot shield and bulletproof vest and faces up to 10 years of prison if convicted.

How many have been released?

At least 46 people have been sent home after posting bail or agreeing to supervised release.

How much evidence is there?

Federal law enforcement has issued more than 500 grand jury summons and search warrants, and the FBI has issued more than 200,000 digital media tips from people hoping to share evidence of the riot.

Recent updates on notable cases

A federal judge on Sunday blocked the release of suspected rioter Eric Munchel, dubbed “the guy in the zip tie” on social media after a photo appeared to show him in plastic handcuffs and tactical gear.

A man from New York was accused Monday after people in his town recognized a high school college jacket he allegedly wore during the Capitol riot.

On January 21, PayPal closed the account of Jenna Ryan, a Texas-based real estate agency who was accused of her alleged role in the riot and then attempted to use the platform to raise money for her legal defense. .

What happens next?

Sherwin said on Tuesday the rapid rate of arrests would soon start to stabilize as prosecutors walk away from indicting the easily identifiable “internet stars” who appeared in photos and on social media and began to create more complicated conspiracy cases related to the coordination of militias during the attack.

Paulina Smolinski contributed reporting.


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