What's happening with QB right now?


The second week of the NFL season was punctuated by shifting quarterbacks Drew Brees and Ben Roethlisberger. Brees, who has torn a ligament to the thumb, will miss six weeks at a minimum. Roethlisberger is injured in the elbow and is absent for the rest of the season. We will see which team is best placed to recover from the loss of their star quarterback and how these injuries upset our forecasts for AFC North and NFC South.

The sporty one Lyndsey D'Arcangelo joins to discuss the playoffs of the WNBA – including the winner of the dramatic game. Give yourself tonight for the first semifinal matches. Connecticut Sun will face the Los Angeles Sparks, followed by the Washington Mystics against the Aces of Las Vegas.

Our Rabbit Hole marks the end of an era. On Sunday, the Oakland Raiders hosted the Kansas City Chiefs at home at RingCentral Coliseum for what is likely to be the last NFL game played on land containing ground from a baseball field. We look back at why this has never been a thing in the first place.

What we are watching this week:


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