What’s next for Trump? The family business awaits its return


Surveys could also lead to negative publicity as the business seeks to grow.

For the past four years, Bobby R. Burchfield, a Washington lawyer, has served as the Trump Organization’s ethics counselor, reviewing potential deals and business partners. The exams made it difficult for some to pass the rally, while others were frightened by the public’s attention.

This review will now disappear, opening up a pipeline of new partners.

And with more than $ 300 million in outstanding debt that the president has personally guaranteed, there may be an urgent need for the Trump organization to strike new deals. Additionally, an unfavorable ruling in an audit battle with the Internal Revenue Service could cost it more than $ 100 million, The Times reported in September.

Some of Mr. Trump’s most lucrative properties are in Democratic strongholds, like New York and Chicago, where he remains deeply unpopular. And its biggest revenue generator, its Doral Florida golf resort, has suffered from declining conference revenues as some large companies and organizations have been left out due to its divisions.

As president, Mr. Trump has attempted to fill the void, at least in part, through events booked at his properties by groups linked to him and to Republican politics. The Trump International Hotel near the White House was often teeming with partisan allies.

It is not known whether this favoritism will continue or whether Mr. Trump’s critics will return to his properties once he leaves office. Additionally, this year has been a difficult year for the hospitality industry due to the pandemic, and headwinds have hit commercial real estate as well. Both are at the heart of Mr. Trump’s business portfolio.

Recently, Mr. Trump privately raised the idea of ​​running again in 2024. And the possibility of another Trump presidential election could have a chilling effect on his business in the intervening years, at least in countries like China, where a thicket of ethical and legal conflicts could arise.

The president may not be the last Trump to run for office, either.

Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump could have future political aspirations, which could put the brakes on some growth plans. The risks are greatest at the international level, where the risks of conflicts of interest are numerous.


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