When the PS5 and the Xbox Series X | Will they be considered “current generation” consoles?


A lot of information about Resident Evil Village was released in a recent livestream – a May release date, the reveal of a PS5 demo, and more details on the super tall, super hot vampire lady. But beyond that, one thing about the livestream that really struck me was the description of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X versions | S of the game as “next generation” and the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions as “current generation”. “

It got me thinking about when we should stop talking about the PS5 and Xbox Series X | S like the “next generation”. Both consoles have been out for over two months now. They are no longer something that is on the way, they are in fact here in the houses of several people. But people – even me, sometimes – always seem to think the console generation hasn’t changed yet.

To be honest, I’m not sure when I’ll start to naturally refer to the Xbox Series X | S and PlayStation 5 as the ‘current generation’ despite having both an X series and a PS5 and have been using them since November. At the very least, I have come to call them “new generation” instead of “next generation” whenever I have had to write about them, but my brain hasn’t made the subconscious change to do so. reference to the Xbox One and PS4 as the old hardware. I still need to stop and remind myself.

So, the new consoles will be considered “current generation” once they are readily available for purchase and you can simply walk into a store and choose one or the other instead of. having to apologize in the middle of the workday to hover over your phone in the bathroom and hit refresh on a link in the hopes that a console lands in your cart before a robot picks it up? Or the PS5 and the Xbox Series X | Are they just the “current generation” once the PS4 and Xbox One have become obsolete hardware and new games are no longer regularly created for these two systems? Will this new generation be “current generation” only after Microsoft and Sony stop producing Xbox One and PS4 units, even removing the possibility of purchasing them? Or is the company using another baseline to measure the transition? Because whatever the deciding factor is, you didn’t tell me and I’d like to know.

Granted, it doesn’t really matter, but I still think it’s weird. I don’t remember that it took that long after their respective releases for people to start referring to the PS4 and Xbox One as “current” and to the PS3 and Xbox 360 as “last”. generation”. So why hasn’t the same happened for the Xbox Series X yet | S and the PS5?

Anyway, how do you refer to the PS5 and Xbox Series X | S? Do you think they’re current gen, next gen, or next gen, or do you think we need a new label for that specific console generation? And what marks for you the transition of the generations of consoles?

Lecture en cours: 20 mises à niveau PS5 et Xbox Series X / S que nous devons voir


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