When the quarterback earns a diploma and changes college


N.C.A.A. allows a student to move to a new university and play immediately if he or she has an undergraduate degree. Although there are exceptions, many students who pass without a degree are allowed to play only after a year of absence.

For this season, Number 4 Oklahoma, home of the last two winners of the Heisman Trophy, brought Hurts, who passed three years in Alabama. Number 6 Louisiana State has Joe Burrow, and the state of Mississippi, Texas Christian and Maryland are among the teams that have committed their infractions to degrees. When West Virginia travels to Missouri on Saturday, the first string of each team should include a graduation quartet: Kelly Bryant, formerly of Clemson, for Missouri; and Austin Kendall, who played in Oklahoma, for the Mountaineers.

"You need to invest in the program you are going to be involved in because these guys are at risk," said Kendall, who predicted that the trend of graduate transfers would continue, said Tuesday in an interview.

The first weekend of the season was marked by a mixed performance in graduate transfer quarter. Bryant's 423 passing yards represented nearly 80 percent the Missouri offensive in a humiliating defeat in Wyoming. Kendall was responsible for one even bigger share of West Virginia shipyards when he beat James Madison.

Tommy Stevens, who left Penn State for Mississippi State, took advantage of his first career start to launch 236 yards and two touchdowns. Ben Hicks and Nick Starkel, graduates from Arkansas, gathered 191 yards passing against Portland State, and Riley Neal of Vanderbilt did not even manage to reach the three-digit distance.

But Hurts – and there may be no player whose ups and downs have been more known to the public – used the Sunday night match against Houston to open a viable Heisman campaign. He passed for 332 yards and rushed to 176, assemble a personal file for total offense. His first possession as Sooner lasted three times, ending with a touchdown.

"Playing in a school like Alabama and in a school like Oklahoma, there are not many people in the world who can say they did that," Hurts said softly, seemingly opposed to the scene, after the game. "It's just unprecedented, but I'm focusing on the present. We are focused on the present. "


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