When to take your Avengers: Pee pee in the bathroom Endgame


Avengers: End of the game is an incredibly tight movie, and at three hoursIt's the longest MCU film of all time. So, what is the best time to pee if you have eaten liquids before or during the movie? Here are our votes to know when to make this super fast race to the bathroom during the 22nd Marvel movie.

Our sister sites, GameSpot and Comicbook.com, also have some more ideas, but we all agree on one point: do not leave your seat if you are in two hours.

Note that these suggestions are not as scientific as the understanding of the quantum domain. They are just decent moments to go if you really have to (these exist, despite what Marvel's chief, Kevin Feige says). Because in truth, there is really no good time to pee after the first half of the film, so surf until the generic creeps.


Marvel Studios

When the San Francisco title card appears on the screen

If you make the crucial mistake of not peeing before the movie, you will not miss much if you move away now. This Ant-Man movie lasts about 30 minutes and is mostly made up of links between Scott and the public already knows it.

When Hulk has lunch

This scene is just over an hour in the movie and, while it's fun, missing it is not a dealbreaker (in fact, you could escape at ridiculous times ). The next 10 to 15 minutes is the safest window to empty your bladder.

When the New Jersey title card appears on the screen

There are no good places to pee in the last hour of this movie.

We repeat that there are no good places to pee during the last hour of this movie. So, if your bladder is at the end of its rope, pee now! This segment is your last decent opportunity for a bathroom break. Although filled with nostalgia, you will not miss any real conflicts and it is easy enough to fill in the gaps. In addition, if you urinate fast enough, you will probably have the end of the segment.

Or simply follow Paul Rudd's advice for your breaks in the bathroom:

We will update this list throughout the weekend in case we discover "accidentally" another convenient time – and let us know if you find a better time. Later, we can also include what you missed during these scenes, but for the moment, we do not want to spoil anything too much.

Avengers: Endgame is the biggest movie of the year. He is about to break records at the box office at the opening of his record around the world. Stay tuned to learn more about CNET movie itself, the MCUand what you need to know about End-of-game credits.


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