Where did Teresa land this time?


Day one South Queen the fans got used to
see Teresa Mendoza blazing a trail out of the worst conditions on several
state, country and continental lines. Become his own cartel leader – one with
compassion – did not cost our Teresita dearly. This season has taken him
in New Orleans to expand its territory, but it has been facing problems at every turn.
It's an intense, bumpy and sometimes sad journey.

At the beginning of the season, Teresa's wading pool in the ladies' pool seemed like a rip to wait. But there was more to fear and more to digest: Tony's reappearance and tragic death, summary relations with the disgusting judge (and his pocket dog inspector), a hate pact with the boss local Marcel and the war with El Gordo. While we are happy that Teresa, Pote, Javier, George and Boaz are on guard in tonight's final, some fans have regretted never having trusted Randall during last month's tricky episode. Now we are there. There is nothing but spoilers to come, so do not read if you have not watched.

"Queen of the South" in the photo: Alfonso Herrera (Javier), Alice Braga (Teresa), Hemky Madera (Pote) | Patti Perret / USA Network / NBCU Photo Bank / Getty Images

Things start with a reorganization and Teresa's willingness to be ruthless

With Teresa taking over El Gordo's operations, Boaz runs things in Miami, but you have to be careful. Meanwhile, the gang tries to thwart the judge. Javier and David, son of Lafayette, discover that Randall killed Emelia. He is furious and David urges him to take revenge.

In a different scene, Teresa asks to meet Oksana's representative.
cousin, a boss of the Russian drug. Such an alliance will make it almost untouchable,
but Oksana warns him that he is insane. She agrees with that.

The Queen of the South offers a way out Lafayette

During a discussion with Marcel, Teresa tries to convince him
to kill the judge but during the discussion, George discovers that Marcel was
responsible for the death of Birdie. He looks upset. Teresa and Marcel prepare a plot
against Lafayette, who is nervous and cautious. However, Pote tells Teresita that he
George is worried about being a loose cannon.

As it unfolds, Javier finds Emelia in a shallow grave.
Anguish. Javier talks about Emelia in Boaz, and they are both furious. Boaz says
make sure the one who made him die of a painful death. It's running.

Teresa and her guys visit a prostitute Lafayette is treating
as a "caged pet", in the interest of luring him into a trap and catching him
off guard. It works almost but …

David, tired of his father's nonsense, spills the beans for
Randall. He connects the points and realizes that the judge is probably vulnerable
since David changed his loyalty.

Pote is trying to infiltrate the brothel to kill the judge but
Randall arrives and a shootout ensues. He shot Randall but he's wearing a vest
and the cavalry is on the way. The judge lives to see another day.

Teresa and her crew must activate plan B

George and Teresa start talking, and he explains that he is upset.
about Birdie, but worried about dealing with the Russians. But Therese replied that
to establish links with the Russians is a necessary evil for them to "become
powerful enough that no one can touch you.

Interrupted by a phone call from Pote warning them that the plan was not working, the two ended their discussion and struggled to close the bar because they knew that dirty cops were on their way. Randall and his men are not happy to learn that the distillery has also been cleaned. So far, Teresa has been smart, but they arm themselves and hide in a motel with the help of Kelly Anne. Pote and Kelly Anne share a tender moment. Then Javier introduces himself.

The truth comes out

Javier finally confesses what started all this bazaar by telling
his deadly fight with the judge's nephew. Pote is angry, tells him
that because of him, Tony is dead. Teresa is contemplative and not ready to
kill Javier. They regroup.

She calls Lafayette to try to negotiate, but he asks her
hand over to his man, call raff riff. She refuses to return Javier and
the judge throws a threat. At that moment, they all realize that the requirements of the judge
will never stop, whether she gives in or not. They weigh their options, but
Javier is ready to do whatever it takes.

Lafayette recruits Marcel Dumas for his war

The judge and Marcel meet and they tremble on Mendoza,
but does anyone think it's on the judge's side? I do not. That's why he was
smart enough to handle the operation itself. Oh Marcel, what do you have
your sleeve?

Randall, his team of cops and Marcel's men surround the motel
where Therese and her men were holed up. Marcel has never been on Lafayette's side. Shooting!
With all his men, Randall is hit by the arm and tries to run, but Javier
pursue him. They exchange fire until Randall goes away.

George, still resentful to Birdie, lights a firearm
one of Marcel's guys. He tries to reason George about the outbreak of a war
again and talk to him out of him.

This is not the time to party, because the judge calls
Teresa tells him that he has kidnapped Oksana. His pet, Randall, shot his men.
demanding Javier in exchange for Oksana's life. He does not care about climbing
the war. Javier says, "You know what you need to do." Teresa, reluctant, says, "He
should not be like that, "but what choice do they have?

Javier is not finished and Teresa faces a new threat

Back at the bar, they fire four shots and, in a sad scene, he bids farewell to the team before being transported by Lafayette's dogs. Try not to cry. Oksana returns, unharmed.

The judge drags David to watch them kill Javier, who is a
soldier hard at the end. Beaten and bloodied, he is thrown into a car
trunk and covered with gasoline. We know what will happen. But wait. he
jumps and grabs Randall from behind who drops the lighter, placing them both
on the fire. Javier comes out in a brazier of glory, avenging Emelia and taking a
for the team. Yes!!!

Kostya, Oksana's cousin is now in business with them. Teresa's next strategy is to remove the judge's power. Meanwhile, his son, hurt, sad and sick of lies and trauma, is killed (think). Lafayette finds it in the greenhouse.

Towards the end of the episode, Kelly Anne and Teresa discuss and we learn that there is a new sheriff in town. Teresa, fresh air in her white suit, sees her old boyfriend enter the bar. This time she told him the truth (he was trying to connect the dots) and told him how much he was in danger. She urges him to leave.

At the very end, the gang is in the warehouse and is surprised when a car rolls on at full speed. They draw their weapons when a man goes out. The camera pans up and down her feet, up to her bloody abdomen and then her face. Qu & # 39; is it? James! He says, "They come for you." Next season? We are promised to the Russians and probably to the DEA. The show has just been renewed for season five!


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