Where is Natalie Portman's diaper?


Go get me my blouse of legal action.
Photo courtesy of TIFF

Lucy in the sky, directed by Noah Hawley and starring Natalie Portman, premiered at the last Toronto International Film Festival. the Wedding story the people, exquisite, have probably gone and come; the Hustlers women make the press in New York with rave reviews already obtained; the Goldfinch is Goldfinch-ing. But what about Lucy in the Sky, whose world premiere will be here Wednesday night? All week long, TIFF crowds were buzzing: Lucy in the sky deliver? And also, would Natalie Portman wear a diaper?

I have news for you. Go get me my blouse of legal action. Let me talk to someone's manager. I'm coming back to America on Friday and going directly from JFK to the US Supreme Court. Natalie Portman does not wear, I repeat, does not wear diaper in the film triangle in love with the astronaut Lucy in the skyand for that I complain. My lawyer (who also plays the role of my father) has been notified. I will not take it lying down!


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