Where is the 3 Tesla model of $ 35,000?


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There is a certain way in which the world, in general, is supposed to function. If you say "I'm going to the store," it's generally assumed that you intend to return with the items you purchased. Similarly, for a car manufacturer, a statement such as "here is our $ 3,000 Tesla model 3" generally means that the car will soon be built and delivered to customers. But is this the case? With Tesla?

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Tesla officially unveiled Model 3 of $ 35,000 almost a month ago (it partially realized the discount car by putting a whole bunch of people at disposal and shutting down all its stores and then deciding that no, she would not do it, partly because that would constitute a violation of the leases of a ton in these stores), and, that is, a month later and that the base model is a car officially "in production" for almost two years now, you expect the models 3 to $ 35,000 rush door. Or pane of the tent.

Whatever it is, enough jokes. This is a real problem because model 3, valued at $ 35,000, has been for years the whole of Tesla's MacGuffin. The "cheap" electric car, so to speak, would prove not only the viability of the company, but also that of the method of propulsion. Elon Musk was under enormous pressure to finally show the company that she could produce what she proposed to create more than ten years ago.

And when it was finally unveiled on February 28, 2019, we thought we had reached the end of this chapter. Model 3 of $ 35,000 arrived, the Haters were all wrong, and from now on, navigation would be easy, drinking victory chalice and tweets.

But there have been rumors that model 3 of $ 35,000, although here in the theoretical sense, may not be entirely in the sense that customers have actually taken delivery. In fact, it is a bit difficult to know if Model 3 of $ 35,000 is being built, with initial delivery estimates slipping since "the last weekend of the quarter," which would have been initially this week from the 30th to the 31st of March.

This is Ed Niedermeyer at The Drive:

According to numerous reports posted on the official Tesla.com forums, the Tesla Motors Club, the Model 3 Owners Club and the r / teslamotors forum of Reddit, Tesla has sent an SMS to its customers for them to delay deliveries of the long-awaited basic model. Many of these owners report that delivery dates were scheduled for the last weekend of the quarter, when Tesla typically schedules large shipment requests, but that SMS informing them of the delivery time does not specify new delivery date.

"Our apologies, we will have to postpone your appointment to a later date," would have read these messages. «A Tesla representative will contact you as soon as we have a better estimate of Tesla delivery time.»

These "provisional" delivery dates, now delayed, were communicated to customers by SMS, but no other communication was reported outside the notice of delay. Many homeowners report that their accounts now indicate that orders for their standard range will be delivered in six to eight weeks, but Tesla employees say that these estimates are generated automatically and not commitments.

But, as Niedermeyer points out, Musk hinted at possible delivery delays, stating that priority was given to those who were already waiting for model 3 deliveries to get their car first and to all those wishing to convert their model. $ 40,000 +. Models 3 to $ 35,000 could do that, and that would be the first deliveries of base cars. Mr Musk added that a "very likely" estimate of $ 35,000 for Model 3 shipments would be "end of June".

And all of this is perhaps topical, if you take into account all the vague and possibly contradictory statements and if you do not really need the car delivered as soon as possible, but that would have been associated with unusual tactics. from the company. Here is another Niedermeyer:

"I just got a call from someone at Tesla asking me to pay more for model 3 at longer range," reports a customer on Reddit. "Otherwise, my setup will not be ready until the end of June, it's after having said that my car would be ready by the end of March and that I would spit more money when I'm out." I ordered.

Which is all to say, it's a bit weird.

With most other companies, you can simply shrug your shoulders, equate it with a poorly tuned message and think that promised cars will be delivered soon. And maybe they will be! They may be delivered by the end of June or earlier, which would be very nice.

But it's the same company that has promised autonomous cars this year or this year or maybe even this year. The company with self-charging snakes that apparently disappeared, the company with walk-in theaters that did not materialize. The company whose CEO had been in trouble with the US Securities and Exchange Commission for using tweets to boost the stock price through non-existent private takeover operations.

Is model 3 of $ 35,000 really real? We asked Tesla if they could add anything to Niedermeyer's story and if we could lead to an example of model 3 of $ 35,000.

Tesla declined to comment.

If you know what is happening here or if your basic model 3 does not meet your expectations, contact us.

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