Which Android phone has played in Avengers: Endgame?


Avengers: Endgame is released in cinemas, while 21 films end with a great battle to cancel the fall of Thanos and bring half of the world's population back to life. If you're one of the millions of people watching it on the opening weekend, have you noticed the Android phones that are popping up?

There is indeed two Android phones that make an appearance, but only one is in evidence. Without spoiling the film, a Nearly Pink Pixel 3 appears when two characters are invited by a fan to take a picture. It's actually a pretty fun time, so if you have not seen it yet – or if you're going to see it again like that, then beware.

While you're there, also look for a very fleeting appearance of the Galaxy S8. It appears in a scene about five minutes after Pixel 3 and stays on screen for just a second. Although it is likely that the presentation of Pixel 3 is a commercial case – including probably the Google search hangout – the Galaxy S8 may be only a coincidence.

Have you ever seen Avengers: Endgame? What did you think? Let us know in the comments below (without messing it up for everyone), and remember, if you're not happy with any part, you can always create your own ending with these Avengers: Endgame Funko Pop!


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