Which DLC Mortal Kombat 11 character do you most want to play?


Mortal Kombat 11 will begin receiving new content for its first Kombat pack later this month when Shang Tsung will launch for early access on June 18, but we also have five more characters to look forward to in the months / years to come.

NetherRealm Studios will add three MK veterans with the aforementioned groups Shang Tsung, Nightwolf and Sindel plus Spawn, as well as two other guests who have not yet been officially revealed – although we have a pretty good idea of ​​who they are . We would like to know which characters you are most eager to try from different angles.

We've created three new polls to vote for EventHubs users – it's easy to create an account if you have not done so yet – allowing you to decide which character you're interested in most, which guest you're interested in which member of Kombat Pack 1 you want to play the most.

Potential DLC spoilers in advance if you have tried to avoid full alignment so far.

Although they have not yet been officially revealed, it seems quite clear at this point that Ash Williams and The Terminator of The Evil Dead / Arms of Darkness will be the last characters in this pack, especially after having heard the sound effects at the end of the month. latest trailer and the latest statements from actor Bruce Campbell on MK11.

The three guests proposed here have all been featured in many games in the past, but Spawn has already appeared as a guest character in the Xbox version of Soul Calibur 2, but we hope to see his cape fluid in all its states. glory this time.

We ignore the three characters from the original data mine – Joker, Sheeva and Fujin – of DC, as they have not been officially announced or teased for MK11, which means we'll probably have to wait for a second passage of character. You can vote in each poll once each below.


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