While Netflix rivals more rivals, Hulu stands out


Everyone is fighting for Netflix.

Amazon, AT & T, Apple and the Walt Disney Company have spent billions of dollars creating or strengthening their own streaming networks to attack the giant on the ground. Some, like Apple and Amazon, are supposed to be aggregators – selling both original content and offering broadcasts such as HBO – making them similar to traditional cable providers. Others, like AT & T and Disney, have positioned themselves as services only selling their content, for the time being.

But Netflix remains the leader of the sector. The company has come a long way since its inception by sending DVDs in red envelopes. It added 7.8 million new customers until the end of March, according to the first quarter report released Tuesday, for a total of 148 million euros worldwide, of which 60 million to United States. Growth in the number of subscribers has, however, slowed further in the United States than elsewhere, in part because of higher prices and increased competition. The streaming service posted a $ 344 million profit on sales of $ 4.5 billion in the quarter ending March.

For the moment, however, Netflix is ​​clearly beating rivals in terms of streaming: subscribers, display time and content library. But one is closer than the others: Hulu.

Hulu has long struggled to take her course because she has had to deal with several corporate overlords since her founding in 2007.

Hulu, on the other hand, offers three products that could better reflect the future of streaming. It offers a live television service that replicates a small group of cables at $ 45 a month; a video-on-demand service that sells for $ 12 a month without advertising (this one behaves almost like Netflix); and a streaming service with advertising that costs $ 6 per month.

The latter is Hulu's most lucrative business and indicates future earnings. Even if it charges $ 6, the service generates more than $ 15 per subscriber per month, due to the costly advertising sold against these customers, according to the same source. two people familiar with the company.

That would explain why Hulu lowered the price of the $ 2 ad service this year – and that could also explain NBCUniversal's interest in starting its own business. ad-based streaming network by 2020.

Roku, the maker of streaming boxes, is also experiencing rapid growth in its Roku channel, a free advertising-based streaming app. And in January, Viacom spent $ 340 million on PlutoTV, another advertising-based streaming provider.

Last year, Hulu cashed more than $ 1.5 billion in advertising, a 45% jump from the previous year. Randy Freer, its general manager, expects the online TV advertising market to reach $ 50 billion within three years.

"This allows Hulu to benefit from the prestigious brands in the digital video advertising market," said Freer at the Disney investor presentation last week. "Hulu does this with an audience-driven advertising experience, with fewer commercial interruptions, shorter commercial breaks, and more relevant ads."

Netflix and Hulu are not necessarily propositions for consumers. Many people pay for both.

Mr. Hastings does not anticipate that the new competition will harm Netflix's business, as consumers' appetite for streaming content still exceeds what is currently available or what will be available.

"Great competition makes you better," he said about new advertised competitors, Apple and Disney, when calling the company's results Tuesday. He added among all others: "There is a ton of competition out there, which is great for consumers and it's exciting for us."

While Netflix remains in the lead, a look at the numbers suggests that Hulu could prove to be a formidable rival. We will take a look:


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