White House memo says public support for Biden’s agenda is ‘overwhelming’


The White House circulated a memo Monday ahead of a critical week on Capitol Hill to President BidenJoe BidenPelosi votes on bipartisan infrastructure bill on Thursday Pressure increases to cut diplomatic formalities for Afghans left behind President Biden makes the world a more dangerous place MOREBiden’s legislative agenda that highlighted public support in polls for Biden’s economic package.

“As we enter the final stages of legislative negotiations on the President’s economic package – the evidence is overwhelming that the wind is at our back and the public is anxious for these two packages to become law,” the note said.

The White House is working to unite progressives and moderates to cross the finish line to the Senate infrastructure bill and a $ 3.5 trillion reconciliation plan.

Biden last week welcomed several groups of lawmakers to the White House in hopes of resolving their differences. Progressives say they will not vote for the infrastructure bill until the $ 3.5 trillion package is passed through the House, but moderates have raised concerns about the price and various elements of the larger package.

“I am optimistic for this week. It’s going to take most of the week, ”Biden told reporters Sunday night as he arrived at the White House after a weekend at Camp David.

Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy Pelosi North Dakota Republicans’ latest COVID-19 case, Pelosi, votes Thursday on the bipartisan infrastructure bill. Cheney says many GOP lawmakers privately encouraged his fight against Trump MORE (D-Calif.) Set a vote on Thursday on the bipartisan infrastructure bill, pushing back a vote scheduled for Monday on the package.

The White House memo released Monday cites a series of polls showing support for the $ 3.5 trillion reconciliation package, the infrastructure bill and Biden’s plan to raise taxes on Americans and citizens. high income businesses.

A Fox News poll conducted earlier this month and included in the memo found that 56% of registered voters support the $ 3.5 trillion package, while 39% oppose it and 5% do not. not sure.

A new Pew poll released late last week and also cited found that 49% of American adults support the $ 3.5 trillion reconciliation plan, while only 25% oppose it. The poll found that a decent dunk of Americans – 25 percent – remain unsure about the bill.

The note also highlights polls from Democratic firms Navigator Research and Data for Progress, which each found the president’s plan to be supported by more than 60 percent of voters.

Additionally, the memo highlights surveys showing majority support for the bipartisan $ 1.2 trillion Senate infrastructure bill that Biden helped negotiate earlier this year.

He also features polls showing voters support Biden’s plan to pay for the package by raising taxes on the rich and corporate. For example, a Morning Consult / Politico poll released earlier this month found that 68% of registered voters support raising taxes for wealthy Americans and 62% assuming an increase in the corporate tax rate.

“By closing loopholes, tackling tax evaders for the rich, and making the tax code fairer, we can reduce taxes for the middle class, invest in a strong and sustainable economy that works for everyone, and reduce taxes. costs of essential items like health care, prescription drugs and child care for working families, ”the note says.“ And because President Biden’s plan is fully paid for, we can do it with a price tag of $ 0. “

Biden will engage with members of Congress this week as the House reviews the infrastructure bill, the White House said on Sunday. He currently doesn’t have many public events on his schedule, but is expected to travel to Chicago on Wednesday to tout COVID-19 vaccine requirements for businesses.


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