Who are the last two residents of "The Good Place"?


In season 3 of The right place, the four humans, Michael and Janet are responsible for recreating Michael's experience in the first season. The only problem? The Bad Place chooses the four new residents for the experience to The right place.

In the season finale, Team Cockroach realizes that The Bad Place has deliberately chosen new residents designed to torture the original four humans. So, who are the last two humans chosen by The Bad Place? Attention, this article contains spoilers for the first season of season 4 of The right place.

The Good Place new characters
Ted Danson and Kristen Bell from "The Good Place" | Amy Sussman / Getty Images

The Bad Place chooses two new residents with no personal connection to "The Good Place" characters

The first new character introduced in the first season of The right place is a woman named Linda. The woman comes from Norway and has no personal connection with any of the four humans. However, she still makes Eleanor and Michael crazy because of her lack of interest.

She does not care, she managed to get to The Good Place, and when she meets Janet, she asks only one thing: a peppermint. When Janet creates an elephant calf "made of pure light that tells you real secrets of the universe", she is unperturbed. Michael tells Eleanor that Linda is boring.

The second new resident selected for the experiment is a man named Brent. Although he does not have a personal connection with Eleanor, he always drives her crazy with her offending, unconscious comments. Although Brent does not seem to be the worst human in the world, he seems to forget that his behavior on earth could be considered harassment or racism. After meeting Brent, Eleanor assumes The Bad Place chose Linda to torture Jason and Brent.

One of the new residents was actually a disguised demon

In an attempt to enthuse Linda for something, the group organizes a flight day for all residents. While Michael and Eleanor try to encourage any personality in her, Linda hits them both and flies to the sky. She starts to steal and hit all the residents.

It is then revealed that Linda is in fact a disguised demon. The Bad Place sent Chris, a demon who had once played the role of Eleanor's soul mate in the original experiment, to gradually undermine the group. This reveals that Shawn's The Bad Place had several plans in place to sabotage the experience.

Judge chooses Chidi as fourth and last human for the experiment

In the final of the third season, Chidi chose to have his memory erased so as not to spoil the experience by remembering his ex, Simone. This was particularly painful for Eleanor because she remembers her love for Chidi, but Chidi does not remember her. To make sure Shawn can not interfere in the experience, the judge chooses Chidi as the last person to join the experience.

The right place The group's experience in saving humanity on the ground has started well. Already in the first episode, things have slipped. At the end of the episode, Eleanor begins to have doubts about herself and spend more time with Chidi when he does not remember herself.


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