Who is Chris Kläfford? 10 facts about the Swedish idol who takes "America has talent" by the storm


Chris Kläfford is one of the outstanding musicians of season 14 of America has talent. Before playing in the quarterfinals this week, find out more about this talented Swedish singer-songwriter.

How old is Chris Kläfford?

Chris is 30 years old. He was born on April 10, 1989 in Ramsberg, Sweden. During his AGT At the audition, Chris joked that almost everyone in his small town was growing up in his family.

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The best times of Chris Klafford of all time.

Chris Kläfford won Swedish Idol

In 2017, Chris was crowned winner of season 13 Swedish Idol, The Swedish version of American idol. During his time on the competition, he covered everyone from the Swedish House Mafia to Chris Isaak.

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Christoffer Klafford on Swedish Idol

Look at Chris Kläfford's Idol hearings

It took several tries for Chris to qualify for the win. Swedish Idol. He has auditioned for the show several times, in 2010, 2014 and 2017. You can see a compilation of his auditions in the video above.

Chris has clearly grown in his talent over the years. As one YouTube commentator put it: "The longer his beard was, the better his music was."

Chris had musical success in Sweden

As the winner of Swedish IdolChris had three top 5 singles on national radio in one year, as well as 35 million streams. You can listen to Chris's music on Spotify, which currently has over 700,000 listeners per month.

Who is Chris Kläfford's partner?

Chris is with his girlfriend, Swedish photographer Bob Linger, for six years. She often shares photos of Chris on her Instagram page. Chris recently posted a nice photo of them, accompanied by the lyrics of a song that he co-wrote.

"In your darkest days / When you are black and blue / If your body weakens / I will carry you," read some of the words of "Safe Place".

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The safe place of Chris Klafford

Chris Kläfford Auditions For AGT

The acoustic version of Chris Lennon entitled "Imagine" had the AGT audience (and judges) in tears during his audition. Chris had already played the song on Swedish Idol.

"I felt your heart and your passion," says Julianne Hough. "And that's what art is." Simon Cowell also congratulated him on his own interpretation of the song.

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Chris Klafforf for AGT auditions

Chris is a talented composer

During the judges' cuts in this season of AGT, Chris performed an original song called "Something Like Me".

"When you put your song writing abilities on top of that, you take a risk. This bet has paid off, "said Howie Mandel.

Chris Kläfford on tour with Gyllene Tider

Chris recently toured Swedish band Gyllene Tider as part of his farewell tour to Sweden and Norway this summer. The tour ended on August 10, 2019. Check out Chris' upcoming concerts here.

He knows that he looks like Thor in Endgame

Chris got wind of all of Thor's comparisons after he appeared on AGTand he's been a great sport about it. For example, see the above modification that his girlfriend Bob made for him, in which Thor's hammer is replaced by his guitar. "So … you understand, huh ?!" he writes on Instagram.

When does Chris Kläfford return to AGT?

Chris will perform this Tuesday at the new AGT live show, at 8 / 7c on NBC. If you are a fan of his music and want him to go to the semi-finals, make sure to vote for him. We are looking forward to seeing his last performance.


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