Who will win? Game Of Thrones? The clues are already there


Whatever happens to the curtain of Game of thrones Sunday night, the seed of this idea will probably have been planted before us at some point, making all this surprising and yet inevitable.

The clues can be in the original material of George R.R. Martin's series of novels or in the many ways that HBO and organizers David Benioff and Dan Weiss decided to spread books and make their own way.

Years ago, Martin revealed "the main points of the end" to the couple, although added by speaking to Rolling stone"There can also be changes, and there will be many things added." Although we do not know what the author considers to be the main points, you assume that this includes who remains in the end and who ultimately reigns over Westeros, if any.

Potential contenders to the iron throne declined following developments in this week's episode. One queen is crushed and another is on the verge of being tried for war crimes in The Hague.

You may not have seen the sudden change of Khaleesi's path to murderous three seasons ago, but the decline in his number of followers and his increasing paranoia, not to mention the spiky hair and the lack of make-up, have all left glimpses of evidence of his absence. "She feels empty, it 's not what she thought, it' s not enough," explained the episode director, Miguel Sapochnik, during the night. a deep dive into the darkness.

So who is likely to replace Khaleesi and run for Westeros 2020? Jon Snow is an obvious candidate since his secret filiation has been so valued. Now that Daenerys has revealed his "true colors", he has the green light to put his queen in the trash and miserably accept an even bigger title, the model he has been following for seven seasons. It's a stylish way to solve the thorny issue of his claim to power without him looking like a problematic man who deserves the credit for his work, even if it's frustrating for many fans. Sorry guys!

Daenerys: cold, removed and about to be scrapped by Jon


Snow was introduced as the promised prince, having survived more and more heroic feats in battle and literally returning to life after his death. Fantasy conventions might suggest that he is the hero to save the next day from an impossible choice, but Martin has always tried to reverse these traditions, and the series might want to point to something more progressive.

Enter Arya Stark, whose character progression has been widely endorsed by viewers over the years. Trained since childhood to become a murderer, she ended up defeating the king of the night – an act that, according to many, would have earned him the throne in itself.

Later, in "The Bells," her decision not to pursue Cersei instead of trying to help people escape the path of Daenerys' destruction indicated that she did not want to. Maybe he was not a faceless assassin, but a leader. Coupled with the closing scene of his valiant riding on a white horse – probably a piece on a white knight's convention coming to save the day – and Arya is perhaps the favorite to win the gold medal.

Arya: Take the chance as a knight to save the day


But is not it a bit obvious? A more unexpected solution might be to allocate power a little more democratically. While Power Couple has long been the seed of Jon and Dany, her recent penchant for burning her people, and the fact that she is her aunt, have somewhat extinguished the romance. Sansa and Tyrion would be another potential duo, between whom there would be a fleeting romantic moment before the Battle of Winterfell, and who could even be married again.

Their decision would be a victory for meaning and pragmatism, as both of them demonstrated these qualities during the series. It would also bring together two powerful families to seal the peace, as was the case between the York and Lancaster families in the aftermath of the Battle of the Roses – the Martin-based conflict Game of thrones sure.

Tyrion and Sansa sharing a moment in the crypt, while everyone thought the end was near (the first time)


That said, Tyrion's decision to betray Daenerys after explicitly stating that his next mistake would be the last, could mean that it will be for the block from the beginning of the final episode. The public noticed that Sansa was clearly absent from the final proceedings. Does this make her fit to fight Daenerys? Bran was also MIA in Dante 's hell as King' s Landing became, but since it 's been proven that he was probably not the king of at night, the rumor mill that surrounds it went into the administration.

Perhaps the simplest solution, and one that has been the most powerful clue of any series, is that no one should occupy the iron throne. In Martin's text and in the HBO show, we saw that power was corrupt. He turns people against their families, arouses violent impulses and makes them paranoid with their enemies. If they believe that a chain breaker and a freer slaves hear bells ringing for peace while flaming a city, what luck does it have for anyone?

The fact that the people of Westeros have resisted the threat of the annihilation of mankind to continue to save each other in his quest for domination is a depressing statement about how power poisons. Apart from an unexpected tsunami from the Iron Islands or the arrival of Dany after 25 years of totalitarian rule, an empty throne could be the only way to come to a surprise end.

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