Who won HoH tonight? Week 10 – Big Brother Network


Head of household comp on Big Brother

Thursday’s Big Brother 23 Double Eviction event ended with no head of household, but don’t worry we have the spoilers and can now answer who won HOH! Read on for the results and see who takes the lead in week F6 ahead.

Alyssa was the second eviction of the night after Claire who left us an F6 with only the Cookout alliance. So now it’s time for them to turn on each other and it starts with power, the power to decide which of their members will go to the Bloc first. Let’s come to these spoilers.

Big Brother 23 Week 10 HoH Comp:

  • Kyland is the new head of the family

Have mercy. Kyland has one-on-one meetings every day no matter if he’s HOH or not, but when he’s HOH he really does its meetings. Have mercy. It’s going to be a long week with Kyland back in charge.

Okay, but the real question is who it will go to this week. Kyland seems to have solidified things with Xavier so I doubt he’ll go against him. Will it target Tiffany’s easy choice? Hmm. Let’s see where the conversations of the night and tomorrow morning take us. And believe me, conversations will not be lacking during Kyland’s reign.

Who do you think the new HOH will send to the Block? Share a few choices below and let’s see what happens.

Nominations arrive on Friday, then the Power of Veto competition will take place on Saturday. It will be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother app then join us on Facebook & Twitter for updates.


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