Who wore these rare Dior 1s at the opening?


As Amy Klobuchar spoke at Joe Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday, cameras spotted someone walking down the Capitol steps wearing ultra-rare Dior 1 sneakers.

Immediately the hunt began – at least on Twitter – for those who had the guts and the style to carry the collaboration between Dior and Air Jordan.

The much sought-after sneakers were at the feet of Nikolas Ajagu, whose partner Meena Harris is the niece of new vice president Kamala Harris.

Ajagu’s identity was revealed when a Getty Images photo showed more than his feet as he was captured taking a photo with couple’s daughters Amara and Leela.

Meena Harris also confirmed her partner’s outfit when someone asked if it was Ajagu wearing the Dior 1s: “Yes, smhshe replied.

Before anyone tries to shame Ajagu for wearing sneakers at the grand opening, know that his shoes cost more than those on most Capitol Steps. The Dior 1s, which debuted in 2020, sell for $ 2,000 and sell for up to $ 7,000 on some sneaker resale sites.

As Ajagu’s sneakers started trending on Twitter, Meena Harris had fun with her newfound fame, Tweeter: “I step away from Twitter for less than an hour for the opening ceremony and Nik’s shoes are # 1 in the ?????” trend.

Ajagu is Head of Global Partnerships at Facebook and was the founder of Barrel & Ink and Code & Canvas.

Meena Harris, a lawyer, recently published her first children’s book “Kamala and Maya’s Big Idea”, based on the life of her mother and aunt. Meena Harris also worked on Kamala Harris’ campaign for the Senate.


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