Whoopi Goldberg Strikes Members Who Did Not Attend the September 11th Commemoration


Whoopi Goldberg has attacked more than 300 Democrats in the House and Republicans who would not have participated in a commemoration Wednesday for the attacks of 11 September.

The co-host of ABC's "The View" show noted that "not everyone is honoring the moments of silence" and asserted that only "26% of members of the House" attended to a ceremony of silence to commemorate the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people 18 years ago.

Overall, more than 300 members of the House were excluded from the ceremony, Mediaite reported.

"Apparently, only 26% of members of the House were silent on the Capitol steps this morning," Goldberg said. "You know, we do not know why people were not there, but it may not have been the right day to go around the optics."


"I'm just saying, you know, this moment has touched everyone in this country, not just New Yorkers," said Goldberg. "They came to America. Strike us first here, then go elsewhere to try to shoot us down. It has affected many more people than us, and it is an American problem. " (RELATED: Meghan McCain asks Sean Duffy to say that all Republicans are gone, here's why he says it's good news)

"And every one of you, every one of you, should be there, honoring what you do not have to do, that 's what he did. . "

Co-host Meghan McCain added that it was "shameful" that not everyone attended the moment of silence.

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