Military, firefighters, police and Rosie the Riveters receive final salute
Dawn Mitchell, [email protected]

As the sun begins to set, the melancholy sound of a bugle playing at "Taps" echoes the old brick buildings of the Martinsville Town Square, in Indiana.

A small crowd, mostly veterans standing at attention, listened to the names, followed by the silver bell. Then the melancholic melody is played when pedestrians stop and listen with respect.

"All those who have served our country, the police, the firefighters, the army, the MIAs found and our lovely old Rosie the Riveters, we read their names to honor their memories," said Clarion Bruce McKee.

The ceremony began when trumpets from all over the country were called to sound "Taps" for seven days at 7 am on the county squares to honor the memory of the 26 people killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. .

After the last night, a woman asked McKee if he would ring "Taps" in memory of his father, who did not have this honor at his funeral.

The names did not stop to arrive.

Taps every Friday for 330 weeks

The pats on the square began that night and continued more than 330 consecutive Fridays, in the rain, snow or heat.

Jerry Vest reads the names. Randy Sichting rings the bell. McKee serves as the main bugler, while Jim Martin and Zondra Kale-Griffin play the role of bugler.

"These are the 24 toughest notes to play because you play them for the dead and their families," said McKee.

This air is thought to be a revision of a French bugle signal called "tattoo", which was a "last call" for soldiers to stop drinking and return to their units.

Brigadier General of the Union Army, Daniel Butterfield, arranged the current version by signaling "extinguishment of lighting". The bugle Oliver Norton was the first to launch the call.

The melody was also adopted by the Confederate army.

Today, "Taps" marks the conclusion of military funerals, wreath laying ceremonies at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and ceremonies on the beaches of Normandy.

"Taps" is the last call of the day on US military bases around the world.

McKee is the founder and director of Indiana Spirit of '45, which offers live "Taps" for military honors, memorial services, national holidays and private services.

"It's the last salute," said McKee.The last 24 notes played for a sibling who served.That's heartbreaking.Although as a bugle, I have to say a prayer and I'm trying to find points on which to focus so that I do not look at the family, because of the emotion that reigns there. "

McKee notes that the buglers play "Live Taps", while most use a bugle with an MP3 recording.

"When you use digital, it's playing "Taps," said McKee. "When we do it as individuals, it is survey & # 39;. Type & # 39; It comes directly from the heart and not from a triple battery A. "

McKee's family has deep military roots that date back to the war of independence. His father, Robin, served in the army during World War II and McKee served in the air force.

He could not play at his father's funeral

McKee has one regret: he could not play "Taps" at his father's funeral.

"I had cancer surgery of the tongue and throat," McKee said. "When they underwent the operation, they said that I would never speak normally, sing or play bugle again."

McKee proved them wrong.

This weekly tribute is particularly moving to Taylor Downing of Martinsville. His father, Army Pfc. Stephen P. Downing was killed in action in Ramadi, Iraq, in 2004.

"It's amazing that people stop taking the time to remember these people," said Downing. They gave everything for our freedom.

And McKee remembers those who left.

"Life and service is a lot. That's why we can stand out here and do it without worrying. We have the freedom to do that because of them, "said McKee," It's our way of saying "thank you" to our loved ones. "

Follow Dawn Mitchell on Twitter: @ dawn_mitchell61

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