Why do the media treat Meghan Markle differently than Kate Middleton?


Since 2003, when Prince William First announced that he was dating Kate Middleton, all eyes were on the now Duchess of Cambridge. At one point, poor Kate must have felt like she could not do any good. Almost everywhere you looked, there was a magazine or other publication that scrutinized her for everything she did. Once Kate and William got married, many people thought that media attention would suddenly collapse. However, it is the opposite that has occurred. The media seem to be more intrusive than ever since she's married to the prince and has three children.

When Prince Harry announced that he was dating an American actress in 2016, Kate might have let out a sigh of relief, hoping that the media would pay more attention to Meghan Markle than her. . And while the media seem to be obsessed with learning about all aspects of Markle's life, they always have and will continue to have a direct interest in Kate.

The media seem visibly enamored of the two duchesses. But is one of them treated differently by the media? Here's what we know about how Markle and Middleton are watched by the public.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton | Tim P. Whitby / Tim P. Whitby / Getty Images

The media consider Meghan Markle as a unique woman

When Kate was engaged to William, it was great news at the time, since Kate was considered a "commoner". Although it is not uncommon for the royal family to marry citizens, William was one of the first royals in the direct line. from the throne to marry someone who was not a member of the aristocracy or the nobility. Since Kate was the only ordinary person of this century to marry so close to the throne, people were understandable curious to know how Kate could adapt to the royal life.

When Harry married Meghan, people were more than curious about the American actress – they were downright blown away. Harry did not just marry a "commoner", he married an American; someone who knew very little about the functioning of a monarchy. People all over the world became obsessed with the idea of ​​learning how a divorced American woman was able to seize her own prince Prince Charming.

The media was also eager to take this unique situation into account. Although she is neither the first American woman to be married in a royal family, nor even the first American actress to become a royal actress – Grace Kelly, an award-winning actress, married a Moroccan prince in 1956 – the media l & rsquo; Had described as a little revolutionary the person. Instead of being praised for this, however, they seemed to be trying to search the area until they could discover any faults she might have had and even spread rumors about her relationships with other members. of the royal family.

Meghan Markle's family is just fueling the fire.

Even though it seems that the media seems to be more interested in Meghan than Kate, there may be a good reason for this: Meghan is an easier target. To try to discover something negative about the Duchess of Sussex, the media do not have to work too hard. Meghan's father and half-sister are always more than happy to give them what they want. They use every possible opportunity to make Meghan believe that she does not care about her family at home.

Last Saturday, Meghan's half-sister, Samantha Markle, sent Meghan a Christmas card, begging her to see her father again at Christmas. She had hinted in the card that their father was probably not going to be alive anymore and that he would really like to spend his last Christmas with Meghan.

How do we know what the map says? In fact, she did not send him to Meghan. Instead, she sent a copy to The mirror, who was more than happy to publish it.

His sister had also commented on Twitter that Meghan had not seen his father on his birthday. However, Meghan's absence from her father's birthday party should not have surprised her family. Especially when you consider the fact that his own father sold many slanderous stories about Meghan and even published a five-page letter that Meghan wrote asking him to stop talking to the media.

Why do the media treat Meghan Markle differently than Kate Middleton?

Sometimes the media portrays Meghan well and sometimes they highlight the negative aspects of her life. They also did the same thing to Kate. However, the media seem to be more frantic when it comes to Markle. She's an American living in royalty and the fact that her family throws her under the bus every minute means that, unfortunately, the media has more to watch for Markle's life.

However, no matter how different the media will decide to deal with Meghan, you can be sure that his Prince Charming, Harry, will stand by him and protect him as much as he can. It's not that she needs protection – Meghan has been strong and resilient.


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