Why George R.R. Martin loved the Avengers: so many end of the match


After a long year of waiting, Avengers: End of the game arrived in theaters a few weeks ago with an extremely ambitious blockbuster built on the last 21 versions of MCU. End of Game has done the impossible, exceeding expectations and bringing all the emotional benefits expected by fans. The film was greeted with wild box office numbers and praise from critics, and now even Game of thrones writer George R.R. Martin weighed in.

The combination of End of Gamethe release of and Game of thrones"The episode of Battle of Winterfell held the fandom away for a full week, but George R.R. Martin did not talk much about the last season of the series. However, he recently revealed that he loved Avengers: End of game– and for a specific reason: it was not just a stupid action movie. As Martin says,

George R.R. Martin knows the balance of action and history, as his A song of ice and fire novels contain both. What else, Game of thrones found a way to properly include both aspects of the fantasy series on the small screen.

George R.R. Martin & # 39; s End of Game the comments come from a recent article on his blog, which he regularly updates to keep in touch with Game of thrones Fans. But rather than discussing the content of the last season of the series on HBO, Martin rather shared his impression of Avengers: End of the game. And it was a laudatory criticism, one that echoed the feelings of the cinema audience.

Avengers: End of the game had a ton of action scenes, spread in both the second and third acts of the film. But these sequences were neither gratuitous nor insane, they helped to advance the global narrative. It is this fact that seems to have most impressed George R.R. Martin, since the Russo brothers have written a story centered on the characters. Especially for OG members of the team.

End of Game was so emotionally charged because she was deeply connected to previous films and that she allowed her super powerful characters to be vulnerable and completely imperfect. The survivors were truly shaken by the effects of the fall of Thanos and their grief lasted for years. And with actors like Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. coming to the end of their contracts, the main Avengers have been excluded from the MCU.

As for Game of thronesit should be interesting to see what George R.R. Martin thinks of the last division season. The HBO series is to sum up a story that began with the release of his first novel by Martin in 1996. And the narrative choices of the series might not be the same as those that Martin envisioned for Westeros.

Avengers: End of the game is in theaters now. Do not forget to check out our 2019 mailing list to plan your next trip to the cinema.


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