Why is the Game of Thrones & # 39; Is season 8 so bad? These tweets will explain everything


After watching a show for almost a decade, we understand why a lot Game of thrones the fans are grumpy about the current season. Especially after episode 4, "The last of the Starks", who sometimes felt rushed and worthy of cringing teeth. There were so many moments that seemed out of place, insensitive and just … bad. The fans did not like that Sansa told The Hound that she would not be the strong person who is today if she had not been raped, assaulted and manipulated. People absolutely hated that Missandei, one of the few black characters in the series, was chained and then executed. Above all, many viewers believe that writing in Game of thrones has become sloppy and the treatment of the main characters has become confusing and delicate. Here's what the Internet says about the disappointing season 8.


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