Why the Queen trusts Kate Middleton to help lead the royal family


Kate Middleton has fully has won the Queen’s trust, according to a royal expert. According to Majesty Magazine Editor-in-chief Joe Little, the Queen sees Kate as a “safe pair of hands” to help guide the future of the monarchy.

In a new interview with Us weekly, Little said that “the Queen has great faith in Kate”, especially now, amid all the drama that has surrounded the Royal Family in recent years “in terms of the fallout” (possibly referring to the Prince’s royal outing. Harry and Meghan Markle and Harry’s strained relationship with his brother, Prince William).

According to Little, the Queen made a big show of that confidence when she bestowed Kate on “the Order of the Royal Family, something which is only given to female members of the Royal Family who have been around for quite some time. time and are considered to be of great support to the Queen. ”

That confidence is a big deal, of course, since the Queen knows Kate will play an increasingly important role in the monarchy for years to come.

“I would say the Queen has great faith in the future Prince and Princess of Wales William and Catherine will someday be and, you know, in the allotted time… King William and Queen Catherine,” Little added.

So how did Kate find her way into the Queen’s inner circle? By being a “team player” in the royal family and being a very low-key royal during her early years as a royal, according to Little.

“Kate has been very progressive,” says Little. “She did appear every now and then, but for the first few years it was really [as] William’s wife rather than an active member of the royal family. ”

And when Kate made starting to take on more royal duties and public projects, she was picky about where she focused her attentions, which Little says has also helped her thrive in royal life.

“Kate has found her own niche within the royal family,” Little said. “And she’s focusing on the things that mean a lot to her, she feels she can give something to the association … in a great way.”

Combine all of this with the fact that, according to Little, Kate is “embracing lore” as a royal while also recognizing how “the modern royals have to evolve,” and you seemingly hit the sweet spot of someone the Queen can. really be trusted to essentially inherit her title someday (Kate will technically be the queen consort, but still).

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