Why the royal baby can come later than you think


Hello. If you are here, you are probably one of the many people to wonder where is the royal baby. (And what is their name, their appearance, and if they dress in old clothes like the other royal babies.) Clearly, apart from Meghan Markle and Prince Harry and their loved ones, they do not know what's going on with this baby. But, there are some reasons why the baby royal could come later than expected, ranging from medical to "Meghan lying to herself and to others!"

Although Markle and Harry and their doctors naturally have more knowledge about this baby than anyone, they can not even know when the baby will arrive. Babies do what they want, and it's hard to predict when a baby will arrive. A baby will reach 40 weeks and say, "Nah, I'm fine, I'll stay a little longer," as if it does not cause more stress to the mother (and the world!). (But especially mother, let's not lose control here.)

Nevertheless, there are reasons why the baby might be late or the expected expiration date, so let's take a look.

By the way, even though Markle and Harry keep things more private, we'll know when she gives birth, we'll know, according to ET Canada.

Firstborns tend to be born later (or at least not on the scheduled date)

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In 2013, when Kate Middleton was pregnant in Prince George, Live Science reported a study that "a first-born baby has 15 to 16% chance of being born late, compared to 9 or 10% for other babies." And around the same time, still tied to PG Tips, CNN said, "First-timers are less likely to arrive at the hour – they are either too early or too late," he said. After studies. "

Late babies run in the family

We do not know if late babies run in Markle's family or are born late, but late babies may be hereditary. Dr. Daniela Carusi, director of General Gynecology and Surgical Obstetrics at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, told CNN: "The family history of late pregnancies is a more determinant than the fact that she is or is not a mother for the first time. "

Months to weeks

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According to an article by Dr. Chavi Eve Karkowsky, specialist in pregnancy, written in Slate, it would be necessary to use weeks rather than months to describe the pregnancies, because it is more precise, but everyone still insists to speak during month. Forty weeks equals more than 9.3 months, but people still say that a pregnancy lasts nine months. In Markle's case, it may be that when she told the fans that she was at Birkenhead in January, she was exactly six months old – or almost six months old – and that she's now in this period of 0.3.

The due dates are not so accurate

A due date is only an estimate. This is first calculated by adding 280 days to the first day of the last menstruation of the pregnant woman. Then, it is again estimated when an ultrasound is taken. In both cases, the fact that the woman gives birth that day is not fixed in the stone, but rather defines a window of time when the baby can be expected. The BBC reported in 2015 that data from the Perinatal Institute showed that only 4% of women give birth on the scheduled date. Markle told fans that his due date was around April, according to Cosmopolitanso maybe she's just late.

Meghan Lied

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I'm not saying that Markle lied directly to the fans to whom she spoke to Birkenhead – but, hey, maybe she did it and that's her right – rather than # She might have exaggerated, gathered, or lied to herself. If you're five and a half months pregnant, you may just be telling random people that you do not even know you have six months for practical reasons and because the pregnancies are long and you'd like to have six months already .

Prince Harry's trip

Harry had planned to travel to the Netherlands on May 8th and 9th for a visit related to the Invictus Games, which will take place in the country next year. But on Friday, May 3, the Telegraph announced that he had canceled the first day of the trip, but that he would still be going to The Hague on the 9th. This could mean that the baby will be born before the trip or that it could mean that they think that the baby could be born after and want to reduce the risk of Harry being away. (Alright, the baby will probably still be born before the trip, but it still seems that the baby might be later than expected.)

A statement from a spokesperson explained that the trip had been changed because of "logistical planning for the traveling press intended to cover the visits and commitments of the royal family". They may cover the trip to Germany of Harry, Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla and the royal baby? There are many moving parts.

This is a bull

Unless the royal baby is born after May 20th, this baby will be a bull and these are "stubborn" and "uncompromising", according to Astrology-Zodiac-Signs.com. That's why the baby is not there. End of the story. See you soon, little Taurus baby.


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