Why Trump wants to prevent Deutsche Bank from sharing its financial archives


The subpoena required Deutsche Bank to provide Trump family company filings – including "parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, branches, divisions, partnerships, properties, groups, special purpose entities, joint ventures, predecessors, successors or any other entity in which they have or had a controlling interest. "

He also sought information on all accounts held by Mr. Trump and his immediate family, including the documents provided to the bank at the opening of these accounts. The bank has detailed financial records of some of Mr. Trump's children and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a senior White House advisor. The deadline to comply with the subpoena was May 6.

The leaders and investigators of the Deutsche Bank Congress, led by two former Manhattan federal prosecutors, were waiting for Mr. Trump to launch a legal challenge to prevent the bank from complying with the quote. to appear, depending on the population.

However, bank officials nevertheless collected quantities of materials to hand over. These documents include several pages of each of Mr. Trump's annual federal tax returns, which the bank received before lending him hundreds of millions of dollars for the Doral Florida Golf Complex and the Old Post Office Hotel Project. in Washington, according to current sources. and former bank employees.

Despite the amiable story between Mr. Trump and Deutsche Bank, the lawsuit is not the first legal battle between them. In the fall of 2008, Trump defaulted on a loan from Deutsche Bank and sued on the grounds that he was at the root of the financial crisis and had made predatory loans against him. Deutsche Bank then sued Trump, demanding that he immediately repay the $ 40 million tranche of the loan, which he personally guaranteed.

The dispute lasted until 2010. After the settlement of the dispute, Deutsche Bank resumed its lending activities to Mr. Trump, awarding him over $ 300 million over the next few years.


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